Looks like some of you forgot what you learned about the post-Armageddon world. So let me clear up your erroneous thinking.
1) Survivors won't clean up the bodies. Birds and other animals will feed on your dead carcasses. Recall how the alligators had a feast on the victims of Katrina. Furthermore, did Noah and his 7 family members exit the ark to find rotting corpses everywhere?
2) Jehovah will make all survivors perfect. Perfect mind and body. Hence, the ability to come up with cleaner and more efficient sources of energy will be easy for a mere child. How much of our brains do we use now?
3) Having a perfect mind, why would any survivor want to live in an old and outdated house from that old sytem of things (Yes, my mind is already there)? No, we'll build new houses in our vineyards with far better materials and technology.
4) The sister that felt at a loss because her non-believing mate and dissed kids because they didn't come to their senses would quickly forget about them as she starts a new life with one of the many faithful menservants of Jehovah that will be resurrected (Abel - Franz).
5) Studying old issues of the Watchtower is foolish thinking. If Jehovah can use visions and dreams to communicate, do you really think he'll have difficulty distributing the New Scrolls that will be opened?
6) Being cold in the winter time is also an exaggeration. Afterall, while on earth, Jesus showed how much control he has over the elements. Not to mention, last I checked, a mere solution of fire plus water to create steam would work just fine. Hey! We could burn all of the crap you guys left behind! Books, furniture, photo albums, ect.
7) Sanitation? Running Water? Again, with my "inferior" brain I can come up with a holding tank on the roof filled with water from a pump and a septic tank and field out back. Let gravity do the work. Of course, we are smart enough to have Bro. Jeb and his backhoe dig the well at least 100 feet away from the septic field.
8) Food? Toilet Paper? C'mon people! Hunting, fishing, farming????
By the responses to this topic I really hate to see some of you pressed into survival mode! Geez!