Kingdom Halls.....

by lavendar 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • lavendar


    Thank you for the suggestions, but unfortunately, he's too far indoctrinated now. He won't read things like his die-hard JW wife sees to it that he doesn't.

    I've been trying to lovingly ask "thought-provoking" questions to get him to THINK FOR HIMSELF. My tone is NEVER accusing or put-downish......just "curious" questions about the WTS. Questions that shows the hyposcrisy of the WTS.

    Thanks so much for the help!


  • Hope4Others
    Unbaptized men cannot carry a microphone or read the paragraphs or be attendants

    I guess our cong. was a little lax in that dept. Most of the young brothers did mic-handling as long as they had a suit jacket & tie. Oops maybe cause (Caliber) was in charge for that



  • Finally-Free
    Blondie, what are these "privileges"??

    "Privileges" can be anything like being assigned to handle a microphone, give talks, greet people when they come in, read, distrubute magazines, etc. For a JW, even cleaning the kingdom hall toilets is supposed to be considered a "privilege". "Privileges" are undesirable work assignments given to brothers™ who want to advance their status in the congregation and are willing to kiss ass to do it. There is no tangible compensation given to those who hold "privileges", but if they work hard and kiss ass well they are regarded as "spiritual men". The most proficient asskissers are recognized by their titles, such as "ministerial servant" and "elder". Most brothers™ strive to become elders, as they can, occasionally, get their asses kissed by those seeking "privileges".


  • OnTheWayOut
    Unbaptized men cannot carry a microphone or read the paragraphs or be attendants

    I guess our cong. was a little lax in that dept. Most of the young brothers did mic-handling as long as they had a suit jacket & tie. Oops maybe cause (Caliber) was in charge for that

    The thing about cult programming is that many default program settings are screwed up.
    You are not supposed to let unbaptized youngsters carry a microphone, but many congs.
    elders know that either THEY do it or the boys do it. There simply aren't enough "brothers"
    to do all the assignments. So they see the "brother" rule for this privilege as silly.

    Come time for the C.O., most elders don't let him see them doing this, but carry the microphones
    themselves during his visit. Some elders stand up to him on this, then cave in in private.

    Some other countries probably don't take anything like these "privileges" too seriously, and let
    the youngsters do it. Given the choice between sitting still in your seat and paying attention to
    the meeting, or walking around with a microphone and only paying attention to where everyone
    is seated, I would choose the latter.

  • esw1966

    You are STRONGLY encouraged to go to the hall you are assigned to and live in its territory. Elders can ask you to come into another hall's territory if they need help or if they feel it will greatly benefit you.

    Done on your own, it can be viewed as not following 'organizational arrangement'. (boy, I picked that bad boy out from the past! wonder if that is still the current vernacular?) Usually, such ones are looked at as independant and troubled.

    I told an elder when I moved out of the territory that I would like to continue with my old congregation. He said no. If I did, that would have been a big no, no! I would have been rebelling against the authority.

  • LouBelle

    I know that they prefer you to go to a kingdom hall in your area. You are not forced too but it is recommended.

    Lavender - you should tell this close relative to check into the history of the Jehovhas Witnesses, there doctrines / beliefs change very often, they cover up horrendous pedophilia cases, so yes makes sure your relative knows very clearly what they will be getting themselves into. Once in .... very difficult to get out.

  • freydi

    I really recoiled about the "assignment" thing. That because you lived in a certain area that meant you were automatically assigned to go the hall nearest you. They would assign every detail of your life, if they could so you wouldn't have to think, just react. Which would mean that every thought you had would be wrong unless it agreed with their assignment of the correct way to think. Reminds me of a Star Trek episode with those little cone-heads with their instuments of obedience. Correct thinking was rewarded. Incorrect was punished.

  • WTWizard

    I dropped out by going to two different congregations, at random, and then leaving both of them hanging. Neither could figure out if I was at the other side, nor could they figure out whose job it was to hound me into going to the boasting session. So I ended up skipping most of them.


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