Unbaptized men cannot carry a microphone or read the paragraphs or be attendants
I guess our cong. was a little lax in that dept. Most of the young brothers did mic-handling as long as they had a suit jacket & tie. Oops maybe cause (Caliber) was in charge for that
The thing about cult programming is that many default program settings are screwed up.
You are not supposed to let unbaptized youngsters carry a microphone, but many congs.
elders know that either THEY do it or the boys do it. There simply aren't enough "brothers"
to do all the assignments. So they see the "brother" rule for this privilege as silly.
Come time for the C.O., most elders don't let him see them doing this, but carry the microphones
themselves during his visit. Some elders stand up to him on this, then cave in in private.
Some other countries probably don't take anything like these "privileges" too seriously, and let
the youngsters do it. Given the choice between sitting still in your seat and paying attention to
the meeting, or walking around with a microphone and only paying attention to where everyone
is seated, I would choose the latter.