About a month ago I PHONED THE LOCAL POLICE that every saturday a couple of religiouse people were knocking on doors in the local area. I explained I was concerned that there message was most unpleasant and comprised of either we converted to there religon or God would kill us and our families. I gave the police the name and telephone number of one of the witnesses. The policeman said he would call him. This was a month or so ago and the regular saturday ministry in the area has stopped.
On another occassion I complained to my local Bus Company about there employee witnessing in COMPANY UNIFORM. I explained to the Bus Company his message was God would soon Destroy the bus company there staff and all there customers unless they converted. I was told they could guess who the member of staff was and they would speak to him about talking such rubbish whilst wearing there uniform.
On both instances I belive I was justified in the action I took. but on both occassions I felt slightly guilty.