Police 1 Witnesses 0

by cluless 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Yep, that's their message. I think citizens have a right to be concerned about this.

    I've never heard of JWs speeking like this ("either we converted to there religion or God would kill us and our families") in a normal door to door visit. Have you?

  • VoidEater

    That's not what we are talking about, are we?

    That's the interesting question, I suppose.

    When in the field service, I can recall more than one little set of eyes going very round when I as a publisher explained to the householder that the end of the world was coming (while Junior stood in the doorway). It never occurred to me what images I might be putting in this young mind.

    When does preaching cross the line? Is it in content ("You're going to Hell", "You'll be destroyed at Armageddon", "Being dark-skinned is the Mark of Cain" [from our Mormon friends])? Is it in venue - from the street corner, on my doorstep, while representing my company?

    I don't know that it is practical in the US to try to curtail evanglism, but I would support anyone making the choice to bar access to their property at least from religious expressions - I would think that, depending on circumstances, legal intervention (escort, harrasement suit, restraining order) may be appropriate to keep people away.

    In all cases in the US, employers have the right and in many cases, perhaps, the obligation to prevent their employees from proselytizing while representing the employer (in uniform, on company time, using company assets).

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    but I would support anyone making the choice to bar access to their property at least from religious expressions

    Now your talking about trespass. And I would agree.

    But, going by the account presented, this guy just sees someone in the "neighborhood" and reports threatening behavior.

    If I were taking the report, I would want to know exactly what words did he use. Did you see or hear these people threaten anyone? How did they threaten you or anyone else?

  • TD
    I don't like their message any more than you. But as an officer I'll protect your free speech.

    Thank you.

    Surely you must realize that the right to free speech (e,g, Speaking on a street corner) and the right to expect others to listen to that speech (e.g. Contacting them at home or by phone) are two different things.

    When you initiate uninvited contact it is no longer a simple question about your unfettered right to free speech, it is a question about the balance between your right to free speech and the rights of the intended recipient of your message.

    That's why if someone (Other than law enforcement personel) knocks on my door before 7:00 AM and after 10:00PM for anything other than an emergency, it is disturbing the peace. Same goes for knocking on my door with a hateful, offensive, or inflamatory message. That's why calling on someone after they've requested that you desist is harassment.

    These issues directly pertain to the Witnesses and their preaching activity.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    That's why calling on someone after they've requested that you desist is harassment.

    I didn't read that in the story presented. Did you?

    These issues directly pertain to the Witnesses and their preaching activity.

    In this story? How? I think you are jumping to conclusions.

  • DT


    Yep, that's their message. I think citizens have a right to be concerned about this.

    I've never heard of JWs speeking like this ("either we converted to there religion or God would kill us and our families") in a normal door to door visit. Have you?

    I have heard this said on the first visit. Usually, it has been a response to householder questions. Some Jehovah's Witnesses are crazy and don't understand tact. Shortly before I DA'd, I heard an older publisher bragging about how he called somebody a "deceiver" because he believed in the trinity.

    It's my opinion that since their message is that nonJWs will be destroyed, it doesn't matter much how or when they say it. It's actually misleading to hide their message until the mind control starts.

  • TD
    That's why calling on someone after they've requested that you desist is harassment.
    I didn't read that in the story presented. Did you?

    Nope. But it does directly relate to your statement that, "As long as I don't hurt anyone. We have freedom of speech."

    These issues directly pertain to the Witnesses and their preaching activity.
    In this story? How? I think you are jumping to conclusions.

    Clueless already explained how. He said:

    I explained I was concerned that there message was most unpleasant and comprised of either we converted to there religon or God would kill us and our families

    The Witnesses don't simply knock on your door and say, "Howdy neighbor. We would love to have you visit our church sometime. We realize you may have your own faith, but that's no problem. We are far more concerned with ecuminical brotherhood than doctrinal conformity. Please come!"

    The Witnesses believe that all other religious are "False" and that those churches as well as the attendees will be destroyed by God. They routinely bring literature to people's doors depicting that event:


    This is the whole basis for portraying themselves as the modern day antitype of the Watchman and the man with the writer's inkhorn of Ezekiel. This is the whole basis for claiming that the harlot of Revelation represents all other religions besides themselves This is the whole basis for the notion that they will be bloodguilty if they fail to preach. This is the whole basis for the notion that leaders of other religions are already bloodguilty. These ideas are woven thoroughly throughout every aspect of the JW faith to the point of being inseparable from it.

    The Witnesses openly teach that this is the fate that awaits you, my friend if you fail to convert. That is intolerant, hateful and offensive. As you observed, they have the right to believe it and speak publicly about it. But whether they have the right to come to anyone's door uninvited and harass them with a threatening message is certainly debatable.

  • WTWizard

    If they are going to houses with No Trespassing signs and the people make a stink about it, then they have the right to have the witlesses prosecuted. And, if the witlesses are doing their cancer-spreading work on company time, a report to the boss should get the problem fixed as it is likely that the person is not getting any work done that is work.

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