Hey, I recall buying up the two dollar suits at the thrift stores and giving them to different brothers and being so proud of myself. Or finding kiddie suits and dresses on sale, name brand and being in complete and total ecstasy. Or getting to the early bird sale for the Ladies Service League Rummage Sale, which was held each spring and autumn (clothing donated by the richest families in C'ville, GA.), to clean up on the Ruth of Carolina dresses for my daughter or the Martha's Minatures, the dresses with the built in petticoats with bells sewn into them. Ohhhh the bargains. Makes me high just thinking about them.
Missing The Good Old Days!
by Outaservice 28 Replies latest jw friends
wow - thank goodness I only had to worry about myself - though I did used to go to another witness family to study the watchtower in preparation.
so much time spent on trivial things.
Homerovah the Almighty
Ah yes the eloquence of constant mind control, been out of it now for 30 yrs. do I miss it at all ..........not a day
Putting up with JW husband who never lifts a finger to help do any of that above stuff.
I used to get upset with Clyde for not helping. Later I found out that he didn't even want to be at the meetings and it was his way of protest.
FlyingHighNow, I too am in Georgia. What about the wonderful Saturday mornings where it is close to 100 degrees and having to march around out in field service until the point of heat exhaustion! The hot, summer days were the only time I actually wished someone would listen to my Watchtower presentation so I could feel the air conditioning escaping from their house! Oh, and let's not forget.....
I spent most of my childhood in the northeast. You just haven't lived until you've experienced those wonderful outdoor assemblies in the summer. As a red-headed fair-skinned guy, those 8+ hours of sun exposure nearly killed me. For an added treat, to add to the incredible heat, it would sometimes rain. Oh, Yankee Stadium! What a hell hole! Veteran's Stadium wasn't any better.
Outaservice, that sounded just like my weeks back then and was the reason I just quit. You forgot to mention the bible study on Wed. evening with some worldly person you were trying to convert to a JW.
Ken P.
Monday get up early, get breakfast for 4 kids & hubby,do dishes, walk about 1 mile to train St. go to work at the Bay. In Montreal. Come back on train walk back to house get supper. Get all kids set up after supper with home work. Have usual fight about T.V who watches what.
Tues. same as the day before. Must do something quick for supper. cos it is book study night- have usual moaning from hubby about how I waste my time. Walk six blocks to house of study....walk six blocks back.
Wednesday. Same as day before ...but after supper walk about 15 block to Marie's house as she is a Catholic woman I am studying with. .. She is trying to teach me French also to knock on the doors with my presentation. She eventually got baptised.( One down) Got the bus home as she gave me a bus ticket I had no money for fares.Thursday .same as day before .... After supper Usual argument from hubby & son my wasted time... walk five blocks to bus -change at terminal for another bus. goes 8 blocks to Kingdum Hell. for Ministry School, Get home at 11 0,clock after all bus rides home. Melanie ( daughter) tells me how tired she is & hasnt done home work. does a little ,I tell her how in the NEW world she wont need all that knowledge from school. ( wonder how she is doing in heaven after dying at 42 with cancer after telling her she was never going to first grade the NEW WORLD was promised)
Friday same as day before .... after supper ,dishes etc: study WT... Of course all week we had gone over the text for the day. walk two blocks with a couple I was studying with. ( they didnt continue...)Did get my pay ....Thank Goodness we need it in lots of debt.
Sat... Up early ,,,, walk to book study home get lift to assigned territory , because me & Melanie worked together ( she was still young 13 14) & I had a big mouth was able to get into many houses & do what I am best at TALKING!!!! so the Brother? that drove us went home , so we had to walk to nearest bus stop & find way home LOTS OF WALKING... Come home clean house. , do washing for family of us 6 . hang out on line ( no dryers in my house just a small wringer washer. In winter bring in frozen clothes & hang around the house... Have T.v blareing all day with foot ball, or hockey, etc. Have usual argument with hubby about how I waste my time, & me telling him that in the new world there wont be all these sports to watch & waste HIS time... Study WT again with Melanie rest of the kids not interested at this time.( later though)
Sunday up early feed all. Beg Hubby to drive me to pick up Brenda ( she had 4 little ones ) I would pay him $5.00 for the gas " PLEASE DARLING" he would!!!Of course I thanked Jehovah.Two hours turned into three with the goodbyes, & love in that had to be attented too.... Thank GOD hubby was waiting for us ---introduced him to all I could ( they all Knew we had to convert him with our smile & little chats didnt we?)Drove Brenda home with the kids all crying cos they were tired. Usual argument at home did all the ironing for the next week WONDERFUL JOURNEY TO THE NEW WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!
2008> Melanie Dead ( Christian in the end)! Husband dead!(Wanted to be a JW as he was dying ) Alan dead ( Melanie led him to Christ the day before he died) Annmarie devoted JW( shuns me) ME 80+ racked up with R.A. got LOTS of time to sit & think what my prophetic husband would tell me time & time again ...".Your wasting your time.. & when I am dead they will kick you out because they dont look after widows"
So Outerservice !!!! women dont have it any easier than men Infact I will go as far as saying it is HARDER on women than men
Susan my only remaining one a Christian now out of Kingdum Hell
Meeting Junkie No More
Wow, I got exhausted just reading those schedules. So true, how the hell did we do it all? Worse than a hamster going round the wheel incessantly....we must have been brainwashed!
Stagnation at its finest. I used to work evenings, and would therefore need Tuesday and Thursday off for the boasting sessions. As a result, the hounders would expect me out in field circus on Wednesday and Friday mornings, even when I didn't want to go out. It was horrible, knowing that this was all there was to life.
Life was hell for me growing up JW! In addition to the grueling meeting schedule, my dad was an elder and my mom worked nights. After school, my brother and I had to go to my dad's shop where we worked until closing time. After making the trip home, eating dinner and doing chores, the schedule was as follows: Monday night was study night for Tuesday night's meeting. Go to bed. Tuesday: School, Work, Chores, Meeting, Bed. Wednesday: School, work, chores, study for the Thursday night meeting, bed. Thursday: School, Work, Chores, Meeting, Bed. Friday: The ONLY DAMN DAY we didn't study anything. But still had school and work. Saturday: Get up, field service, work, study for Sunday meeting, bed. Sunday: wake up, go to meeting, go home. When did I do homework, you ask? Usually on the school bus in the morning before getting to school. I will never, ever, ever make my kids go through that crap. Screw the Witnesses. They should all have their kids taken from them for child abuse.