Missing The Good Old Days!

by Outaservice 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    They should all have their kids taken from them for child abuse.

    You know I do believe that now. What I did to my kids WAS child abuse .Yet I loved them SO much.Otherwise why would I have slaved for them to get into Paradise?

  • snowbird

    (((((((To all, especially Mouthy)))))))

    I, too, walked to all the meetings and field service in the early days - 1974-1979.

    Had a daughter who weighed almost as much as I did and a stroller with a wheel that came off due to getting bogged down in the sand so much!

    I worked and paid all the bills because my sorry husband (not a JW) refused to lift a finger to do anything. Baby (in stroller) and I walked to the KH for FS in the a.m.; returned home just in time to get the baby to my mother's; walked to work which lasted from 12-6 p.m. Walked back home, picked up baby, and got ready for meetings on their nights.

    Read the Bible and Aid to Bible Understanding cover to cover summer of 1973. Never missed reading WT and Awake magazines, KM, School schedule, new releases, tracts, etc. Just thinking about it now makes me tired!

    I thank our precious Lord for His deliverance. Mouthy, I love you.


  • wings

    This thread has been so hard for me to read. Guess, I'm not quite ready to go down memory lane yet. I'll read a few words, then have to get up and walk around and get my breathing back to normal. Keep busy in the work of the lord....what a bunch of crap. I can't believe I ever put my kids through that.

    I will add to this for my own comic relief. We always had a case of BMS going around. Before Meeting Syndrome. The symptoms varied, headache, stomach ache, dizziness, fever...during the last years I began to catch it.

  • Younglove1999

    I do not miss any of that at all-

    I remember one time before we left I thought about letting my dog off her leash so she could run away and we'd have to miss the meeting looking for her-

  • mouthy

    I thank our precious Lord for His deliverance. Mouthy, I love you.


    Yes Sylvia.I do also>>>.Thank OUR LORD & also LOVE you...... My heart ached reading your story...could picture it in my mind. I dont have to wonder why so many on leaving the WT ,give up believing. They did a real job on our minds. Some one asked why I had to pay my hubby to take us to K.H. Because I was an obedient wife. He said I could not learn how to drive, & he said I had to work outside the home for him. The brothers agreed "MUST OBEY YOUR HUSBAND if it is not in scripture... " For instance during hard times my husband would tell me I was sitting on a gold mine I should use it ( butt) I told the brothers? he said that & they said ,"Oh no that is in scripture against prostitution.."..

    Now I am beginning to think I would have been better of taking that advice ( hubbies) than the WT

    Only kidding !!!!!

  • Bobbi

    ok this was my schedule before I started getting a real life.

    Monday morning- get picked up for service(usually late)spend two boring hours in the back seat of overheated car. At Noon get dropped off at bus station to get to work for 1pm. Work until 6pm grab bus home, arriving at 7:30 only if I wasn't held up with a client and missed the 6:10 bus. Somewhere in there I think I ate something.

    Tuesday morning- except in the evening my parents were waiting in the car in the driveway to leave for the kingdom hall. I would run in and grab my meeting bag and rush back out. I usually ate at around 11pm.

    Wednesday- same as monday.

    Thursday- same as monday, tuesday and wednesday except that I worked until 8 pm, home around 9:30.

    Friday- same as monday.

    Saturday- up early to get to Saturday morning bookstudy. It ended at 10am I literally ran out the door to get the car home and catch a 10:20 bus to get to work. Work until 6 pm, home by 7:30.

    Sunday- Usually morning meeting and then service. Home to get yelled at for all the chores I didn't get done during the week. Hand over half my paycheck to parents for room and board and use of the car.

    During all this I did my meeting prep and service prep. I used the car for service about once a week and to get to the book study on Saturday. I also planned a wedding and cared for my sick mother and my one year old nephew who my sister kept dropping off for us to babysit while she "worked". Mom always found time for me to pick my sister up from work.

    Looking back I am not surprised I only weighed about 110lbs. I am also surprised the shear boredom of my life before Paralipomenon didn't kill me.



  • snowbird
    I dont have to wonder why so many on leaving the WT ,give up believing.

    Yes indeed, the WT is a faith-destroying organization. It would do well to heed this warning from The Message Bible:

    Matthew 18:6 -7 "But if you give them a hard time, bullying or taking advantage of their simple trust, you'll soon wish you hadn't. You'd be better off dropped in the middle of the lake with a millstone around your neck. Doom to the world for giving these God-believing children a hard time! Hard times are inevitable, but you don't have to make it worse—and it's doomsday to you if you do.


  • FlyingHighNow

    How about having the cleanest house, nicest yard, cleanest, shiniest car, best behaved kids, keeping said kids from making pumpkins, christmas trees at school? Dodging the questions about holidays, etc. from friends and family.

    Breaking the hearts of the cherub children who come to your door asking if your cherub children can come out to play.

    God, how depressing. I don't think I need to go there today.

  • wings

    How about having the cleanest house, nicest yard, cleanest, shiniest car, best behaved kids, keeping said kids from making pumpkins, christmas trees at school? Dodging the questions about holidays, etc. from friends and family.

    Breaking the hearts of the cherub children who come to your door asking if your cherub children can come out to play.

    FHN, stop, I can't take it anymore.

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