this is getting around JW world Elder/Dad sent it to me

by oompa 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • dozy

    The problem is that the core sample is so low - only 200 JWs - that the figures are almost meaningless. Sampling error of + / - 9.5%. The researchers should have made a better effort to increase the number of interviewees of smaller religions.

  • AlyMC

    OMG, 200? That is hardly enough to be a representative sample.

  • buffalosrfree

    200 alymc remarked thats hardly enough, well thats correct in a way but lets see what the WT would have said if only 200 had been polled and there were only 9-10% of them that left, then they would jump on that and say see we hold our people to our faith. It can be used as a representative sample, that can be used either way.

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