Jesus' True Message

by WTWizard 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • WTWizard

    With the Reject Jesus fest approaching and the God machines about to start bombarding us with their invitations, it is a good time to see what Jesus actually was teaching.

    I have noticed through the New Testament, and particularly the Gospels, that Jesus was preoccupied with setting man free. From what? Notice how many times he denounced the Scribes and Pharisees. Why? Because they were teaching people to obey every little letter of the Law, not the spirit. They would impose strict Sabbath requirements, denouncing the disciples for such offenses as picking grains of wheat and saving a fallen lamb on the Sabbath. They taught that one must give the tenth of minor spices, but they did not keep the essence of the Law (which was mercy).

    Additionally, Jesus busted up a couple of scams that were going on in the temple. Both cases involved price gouging for animals for sacrifices. He ripped those in charge of these scams, dumping the money on the floor and driving the scammers out. Obviously, Jesus did not want people to give themselves into hardship for worship.

    What did Jesus want? He was actually trying to teach the apostles to think for themselves. Back then, most of the people were peasants with little education and bicameral mentality (doing as they are told by voices inside their heads, in the most extreme cases). The religious leaders were trying to exploit this, by replacing the internal gods with external rules. Now, instead of listening to the voices in their heads, they were supposed to obey the leaders. This was harmful to progress, and Jesus wanted to remove this stumbling block. There were obstacles, however--the religious leaders were going to do all they could to keep hold of the flock, and the secular rulers did not want to lose blind obedience of the people.

    Why the need for a God? As we know, the religious leaders set themselves up as absolute rulers, as did the political rulers. Jesus needed a way to get through to people, and so he used the God concept to transcend the authority of the religious leaders and Caeser. That would give them the tool needed to rise above being told what to do by others. And, he used Satan as the means to describe those that would force or trick people into blind obedience. As metaphors, they would help those people to think on their own, and lead them into freedom.

    Along comes St Augustine. This religious leader is now trying to take God and abuse the whole concept to take advantage of people, re-enslaving them to this new God. As Jesus claimed to be God (which was part of the metaphor), the Trinity doctrine was born (yes, the Trinity is a Bible teaching when it is taken as is commonly). But, Jesus had to do that in order to get people to listen to him, so they could think themselves into independence, instead of listening to the leaders. The early Catholic church came along and abused the whole thing to gain power for themselves. They then forced their brand of Christianity onto people, starting and sustaining a Dark Ages.

    Today, one sees all these religions and wonders why they are all different. There actually is only one truth, but none of the organized religions have it. And, since most people have been trained by the churches and Kingdumb Hells to misinterpret the Bible, most people lack it. The actual truth is that no one should ever be forced--they should be independent and free to look through as many independent sources as possible and make their own integrations. The Catholic church did not have that freedom of doing independent research--they held man in the Dark Ages for 1,000 years. The Watchtower Society does not have it--people are forced to believe whatever a group of old men in Brooklyn tell them. Protestant churches are closest, since most are offshoots of independent Bible research, but share the same flaws of not having the whole Bible and fully integrated honesty.

    How to find the truth? I'm afraid you are going to have to do all the research independently and with independent sources. Look at the messages of Jesus, using independent thinking. You will find that Jesus himself wanted people to think on their own and not blindly follow others. Note how often Jesus bashed the leaders that stopped people from doing that, while exercising patience with those who were sinners. Cross reference as many of the scriptures and references as you wish--and look up secular sources as well. In doing so, you will yourself find out why all the religions are falling apart--people are finding that the truth may in fact be closer to atheism or antitheism!

  • MOG

    thats weird you wrote this because this past week I have had that dilema personally and I keep telling myself nothing points to salvation using religion, the only way is through Jesus Christ teachings. I even rememer thinking how were these Gentiles getting baptized immediately after just having faith in Jesus Christ, there were no bible studies or any long drawn out process..Its was simpler..

    Thanks again for this because I thought I was feeling like I was being rebellious with these thoughts as well..because of the mental religous abuse I received as a JW through my dad

  • quietlyleaving

    WTwizard I agree.

    Jesus is a very apt hero for independant thinking and for questioning religious authority and maintaining his stand.

  • sacolton

    What will happen to those die-hard JWs if they don't leave the organization? In my heart, I know the answer, but I need someone to validate it. I know the scripture (Matt. 7:21-23) ... tell me, what is the outcome to the JWs that don't leave?

  • MOG

    I dont even want to know the answer..but I do hope that Jehovah realizes that their faith was so profound and the real blame comes from those who misled them - those who actually knew the truth and deceived them ..I am praying for a second chance...Kinda like when I grew up as a JW, I always prayed family member who werent would died NOW so that they will be resurrected later for that second chance..

    this is a CUT AND PASTE: - very interesting..

    Russell and Rutherford were lenient towards doctrinal disagreements, recognizing that making all followers think alike on doctrine is what originally caused the great apostasy and a method of control.

      “Satans organization sails under the high-sounding name of "Christendom". It boasts of a membership of over 500,000,000 persons. Its members are in bondage to creeds, customs, rites and ceremonies; they dare not disown these or criticize or expose them. To do so would bring down on their heads taunts, reproaches, disfellowship and persecution. Many thousands of the Lords people are held in these denominations as prisoners, afraid to express their disapproval of the creeds, methods and customs of the organization.” Watchtower 1930 October 1 p.301
  • Pahpa


    John the Baptist, Jesus and the disciples were all "thorns in the side" of the establishment. They questioned the status quo and condemned the hypocritical leaders. And they were following a long tradition of those past prophets that were sent to "God's organization" to condemn a rotting system.

    The Watchtower emphasizes loyalty to God's organization. But the fact is that the organization was often the problem... not the solution. Men were using it for their own aggrandisement. And this is the reason that God had to send individuals that were not part of it to expose and condemn it.

    Jeremiah is a classic example. People thought that God's organization as represented in the Temple would protect them. But the prophet warns: "Do not trust in deceptive words and say 'This is the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord....Therefore, what I did to Shiloh I will now do to the house that bears my Name, the temple you trust in.... (Jer. 7: 1-15)

    Jehovah did not hesitate to destroy "the house that bears my Name" in Jeremiah's and Jesus' day. This should be a serious warning to Jehovah's Witnesses today.

  • R.Crusoe

    Nice perspective Wizard!

    Without state funded education people would need a person to liberate their thinking to a level where they gave themselves independent ideas and feelings without being totally enslaved to the ideas of a group of higher ups!


  • MOG

    heck no wonder they do not want anyone going to college..

  • WTWizard

    This is what happens to those die-hard witlesses that refuse to leave:

    They will continue to waste resources in attempting to spread the cancer to the public. Time that should be spent working in creating value or in relaxation, or building family value, will be wasted instead out in field circus. They will stagnate, because there won't be any variation in their schedule. And, they will remain at the mercy of a cult that could suddenly tighten at any minute with little or no warning. Of course, they will not even have the scant warning that us apostates get, since they are not allowed on apostate sites. Eventually they will grow old and die, heavy of heart, having had their lives pass them by. Added will be the burden that it was all because they wouldn't cross-reference whether they were in the true faith using independent thinking and independent sources.

    Additionally, there is going to come a time when my version of Jesus' true message will become mainstream (it already seems about to break into the mainstream). At least one, and probably a number of other, sources is preparing a critical analysis of the Bible and the true meaning of its message. What I have posted was just a brief summary of what I think the most likely outcome is going to be (Jesus taught people to think on their own, not to follow some mystical God). And, when such book comes out, this view will become mainstream as these book(s) blow apart the myths spread by religion.

    When that happens, people that continue tubthumping (that is, insisting on spreading the religion cancer) will start being ostracized. People will not tolerate religions that insist on holding society down and enforcing bicameral thinking. Once that happens, the ministries will become totally ineffective. People who do not leave the witless religion at that time are going to have embarrassment so bad that it will make the pedophilia expose of 11/21/2007 on NBC News look like nothing. The field circus will cease to produce any results whatsoever, and people including children will start being ostracized by others.

    This will not, however, stop people from celebrating Christmas. They will still look at Jesus as the hero that attempted to liberate mankind from stagnation (and, in that sense, he will remain a savior). It's just that they will no longer see him in the light that the churches and Kingdumb Hells want them to. When that happens, they will see Jesus' true message and follow it right into independence and true freedom. Then, the truth will set them free. They will probably (if not certainly) continue to celebrate his birthday, both for appreciation of setting us free from stagnation and because it is such a fun festival. Easter might also be viewed as a time to reflect on Jesus' true message: Stop relying on others to do your thinking and do it yourself.


    We have to come to the Bible sincerely and with common sense . We cannot believe the way we want to believe but as God had put it in the Bible and we must use the guiding principle given in Isaiah 28.9-10 in our search of the Truth.

    Matthew 24.45-46 clearly states there will be faithful servant that feeds his own flock . Why the first christians were living in communes and had the letters addressed to them by some special servants . Did they believe in God seperately being on their own ? How about God had set up some people apostles and prophets ,teachers in the churches ?

    You have to find out from the Bible if your status of being a seperate -living on his own - christian is in accordance with God's plan.

    Read Matthew 25.31-40 who are these least important brothers that are with Christ in the center ?

    Read the basics of the existence for any organization in a hostile environment !

    With the enmity so many people show towards Jehovah's Witnesses they would collapse very fast as an organization from prospective enemies within .

    Read the history books how strict organizational discipline had to be in place for the Bolshevik Revolution to take place or Red Russia to exist and how many people were killed for their opposition.


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