i know of quite a few that did , some have never been found out , are they asked by the elders before the wedding if they have done it ?
do you know anyone that did "it "before the wedding in the kingdom hall ?
by looloo 32 Replies latest watchtower scandals
why do you want to know?...nosey
just interested seeing as they slag off people for having sex before marrige in "the worlld " and yet do the same themselves , im not judging (im not in a position to )
do you know anyone that did "it "before the wedding in the kingdom hall
That would take some guts - to do "it" in the KH!
Don't know anyone.. but what a fun fantasy that could be.. although I'de prefer a turn of the century Catholic alter! Bless me father for I have sinned!
lol i didnt mean did "it " in the kingdom hall i meant did it during courtship ,then went on to marry in the hall despite having already done it , i think some only got married so they could do it , disaster marriage followed .
Done What?
my parents...and me.................oompa
ps...mom was preggo at 15, and yes I know many many others
POs Son
The officiating elder usually asks the night before or morning of the ceremony if there are "any reasons" that the wedding cannot be held in the KH. In their pre-nuptuial meetings, the elder tells them about these reasons which including sampling of the goods before buying them.... and also includes telling them what sort of sex they can have, and how to pray together.
The elders DID ask us if we had 'done it' before they would let us get hitched in the hall.
I did mess around with a girl in the hall but not the one I married! :-)