Don't worry if you like you fellow bothers as much as you love yourself ... everything's just ok ... keep on track ... you'll be judge da way you judge each other ... it talks as much as it does ... you'll be treated like you treat others ...
It would be nice if this was the case. And to an extent it works, but ONLY IF you don't have an opportunity to understand the prophecies.
Now granted, the understanding was "sealed up" until the last days, but now they are UNSEALED. Prophets are here revealing the truth so you can examine it. Now, IF you turn your nose up at this point, given the opportunity to understand, then being nice to your neighbor and thinking that's all that is required will not be enough. You won't lose out for being nice, but you'll lose out for ignoring God's word.
Therefore, the scenario will take place, that many, many MANY people who love Christ and God who should have been in line for the kingdom, people who accept the Bible, will be DISAPPOINTED when Christ rejects them. Because they are considered as goats. Those who are stubborn in their own ways.
Satan does that. Christmas is a good example. Let's face it. People are CHARITABLE at Christmastime. More kids get clothes and toys and usually there are lots of free meals. Everybody feels good about giving. Christmas trees smell nice in the house and Christmas caroles are fun to sing. It's just a FEEL GOOD pagan, Satanic holiday. Satan makes it easier. So the fact that much "good" is done while worshipping Satan at Christmastime erase the sin of it? NO. You have to understand how Jehovah works and sees things.
THUS: The Bible says, if you have been GOOD all your life, and then at the last minute turn to do something bad, then you will be judged by that one bad act. If you've basically ignored God all your life and led a life of sin, but at the last minute turn to doing good, then all the bad you have done will be forgotten.
So that's WHY, one must be faithful in "little" so they will be faithful in much. If you're unfaithful in the little things, then you can't help but to be unfaithful in the bigger things when they come up. Your judgments will not be fine tuned enough.
Therefore, it is a FOOLISH VIRGINS laziness that thinks that only the minimal and basic things are necessary. The oil IN THE LAMPS are "charity" and brotherly love and all those things. The basics. But that doesn't get them into the kingdom. The wise virgins bring the "extra oil", which are the other things provided in the Bible, which are the prophetic prophesies, the chronology and prophetic patterns.
Now granted, this is COMPLEX. But one tale-tale sign of the falacy of some of the people who think "charity" is the ticket into the kingdom is the fact that they often put down and ridicule those who actually DO make the special effort to look into the prophecies and try to gain understanding. That's a PROBLEM. They've decided for themselves it's too complex to deal with the prophecies. Fine. Maybe they have reason. But then for those who do make the effort they want to discourage and condemn them? NO. At the very least they should admire those who do have the patience and interest, and maybe hope to learn from them. But to dispise chronology some some do and to speak of it disparagingly? Oh NO! Definitely the wrong attitude.
SO HERE'S THE UPDATE: On Judgment Day if it happens to turn out that showing lack of interest in the Bible ends up getting you tossed into Gehenna. Whom do you have to blame? Jesus? No. Jehovah? No, since he provided you with a BIBLE. Oh then whom? What was that? You want to borrow a mirror?
So, gamble with your own life if you want.
Now, indeed, there will be great mercy shown since Satan is so pervasive. But be VERY CAREFUL about condemning those who do make the effort to at least TRY to figure out the chronology and make sense of the prophecies.
Besides, what excuse to YOU have now since I've explained all the prophesies for you? You need only check them out.
LAZY Christians will not get into the kingdom, I can assure of that. Cavalier does not go over well with God and Christ.