Can you answer this?(scientific question)

by sleepy 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    Hi lauralisa,

    I would say Hi to my brothers but some pale faced young lady has just knocked on the door better see who it is.

  • sleepy

    Any brainy boxes around?

  • radar


    Further to your observation
    If you throw a ball at a wall, In theory, it seems you can keep dividing the distance it is away from the wall by infinity.
    For example: If the ball was 8 cm away from the wall when you threw it, you can divide 8cm...4cm..2cm...1cm...0.5cm...0.025cm...and so on infinately.
    But we know that in practice the ball will hit the wall, leading to the conclusion that you must reach a zero point in spliting distance and time.


    Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams

  • Mindchild

    I'm really surprised that someone hasn't brought up sex or creationism in this thread yet.


  • sleepy

    I love sex so there must be a creator.

  • Erich

    sleepy's question:

    ...if we imagine the smallest to be a quark jump from one place to another is it technicaly the same object or a new one ?
    If this is true it raises so very interesting questions as to the nature of things the stucture of the universe and time itself.
    So when we move are all our parts really moving or are they jumping from one place to another?.

    Easy answer: They are "jumping" (it's not quite correct, but it matches with the idea you have) as long as the "particals" are not observed by any type of sensorium. (Even a subatomar structure can serve as "sensorium). Note: if there is no sensorium to detect (or "observe) TIME, then there is no TIME objectively existent too! And a "distance" is a function of time, you know...
    Note: this fact is the reason why physicists had to use "quantum theory" to explain and define the fundamentals of atomar and subatomar structures...

    Take a look at my page
    ("the ultimate technology") on "Eric's TimeScience Pages"

  • ballistic

    so what happens when it is observed?

  • Erich


    Each observed particle comes to "reality". Because, if sensorium to "observe", then TIME, (if TIME, then of course velocity too..), therefore is distance and "space" - and as a final result: OBSERVED REALITY.

    Sorry. End of more explanations for today...

  • ballistic

    bloody hell, you say easy, I havent got a clue!!!
    all that means to me is: if everyone in the world shut their eyes, everything would cease to exist.

  • sleepy

    Heres my Christmasy thoughts.

    If you think about it before you were born you didn't exist.
    So you couldn't use your senses to detect anything nor could the forces of nature effect you.
    So before you were born from your perspective nothing existed.

    Of course when you shut you eyes you have other means of detecting the universe. Sound , touch etc also you body feels the forces of nature on it so from your perspective things still exist.

    Anything that exists and is undetectable to our bodies is irrelvent and can never effect us.

    In the quatum world things only take on a definate value when measured
    by something.So unless you measure for light ( say by looking or measuring with an instrument there is no value for any potons present)

    This raises another problem .Ultimately the measuring objects we use are themselves made out of atoms and therefore exist as quantum objects at the lowest level.
    So how can a quatum objest measure a quatum object if none exist untill measured?

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