by badboy 16 Replies latest jw friends
Is this leading up to a "How many JWs does it take to screw in a light bulb" joke?"
The light bulbs in my former Kingdumb Hell were different. The parking lot lights were standard mercury vapor (shame on them for polluting the environment with mercury). Those lights in the foyer were incandescent lights, I believe on a fancy chandelier and special candlebra bulbs (paid for in part with MY money). The foyer was usually rather dark, and often people with poor eyesight had trouble reading the announcements.
The lights inside the auditorium and back rooms are all fluorescent tubes. They are the standard 40 watt tubes, and throw out plenty of light. Of course, they are loaded with mercury (even more so than today's best compact fluorescents, which now have only 1-2 mg of mercury per bulb, down from the 5-7 mg of a few years ago and more than 20 mg for the tubes). The exit signs (all one of them) is a standard incandescent.
There was not even one LED light in the whole Kingdumb Hell! Nor were there any compact fluorescent bulbs for the closets! Shame on them for polluting the earth with carbon dioxide!
Is this leading up to a "How many JWs does it take to screw in a light bulb" joke?"
My thoughts exactly.
I don't know what kind of bulbs were in the light fixtures, but I sure thought there were many 'dim bulbs' on the stage.
edmond dantes
I can't remember but I know the light kept changing.I got used to a certain light and then they changed it.I should have gone to spec savers.
I believe the buzz word is energy efficiency as apposed to high energy.If they use the latest light source they should not need any new light for the next few years.
How about strip lighting?
Every Kingdom Hall I went to, they were in the dark.
As for the hardware, they used those long florescent bulbs. I liked it when they flickered during the meeting.
I don't know but the light kept getting brighter as you neared the exit. Now that I am completely out I amazed how bright the light is.
Tired of the Hypocrisy
In every hall I attended they used 40 Watt 48" flourescents
edmond dantes
Just remembered; Twelve months ago we went to Blackburn Cathedral and it was packed out with parishoners from all over Lancashire, as the singing hit the roof I looked up and every light fitting had energy efficient light bulbs in them ,there must have been a couple of hundred maybe more and I thought ,I bet they haven't got these in the kingdom hall.