Reasons You Hated Being A Jehovah's Witness

by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Casper

    I hated the petty rules. The guilt trips. The spying on each other.

    The constant ..."Do More" ... "you must never be content"... mind set...!!!

    I always felt it was a "Numbers Game", if your numbers were up, everyone was your friend,

    if they were down... you were avoided..... UGH...!!!!


  • Cheetos

    What I hated is the stupid way they maintain a pecking order when it comes to who will give public talks, it was a high mucky muck elder who told me there is a pecking order when it comes to such things. There is so many things I hated about being a Jehovah's Witness, I always knew that I was in a cult even before I knew what the word (CULT) even meant, it was this dark shadow that slowed down my life like every enjoyable thought had to be screened through the GB and then through the elders as they saw fit then we had to do what they say or reap the whirl wind of distruction and my bones would be pecked clean by the little birdies in the great evening meal of god, to sum it up life was not that much fun because everything had to be half lived. Sign Pissed

  • minimus

    When a JW believes that out of all the BILLIONS of people out there, it is only the Witnesses that are going to get presecuted and saved, it's just plain dumb. That Satan is obsessed with getting JWs, well, it's embarrassing.

  • Shawn10538

    Guilt, shame, feeling dirty all the time, feeling like I don't have the blessing of the holy spirit because I masturbate, fear of being disfellowshipped, stuff not making sense but being afraid to say anything about it, feeling superior to other religions, not being a reasonable person, horribly boring meetings, being tired all the time, always feeling like I'm not doing enough, feeling guilty about having fun, going on vacation or for entertainment, feeking the control of the family and elders, having to check with the elders to see if something is ok....

  • Cheetos

    Shawn, you sumed it up completly the GB are all a bunch of Chumps" I simply ignored the WT when it said not to masterbate if I had kept a tally of how many time I have choked the chicken it would amount to about 192000 times and climbing, even the GB form a circle jerk now and again to masterbate. Dr. Ruth told me to masterbate so I do, but even if she didn't I still would have, men are diferent than women we just have to get that poison out, any Wanker who says you should not take care of the One Eyed Trouser Trout is out of his gourd.

  • MOG

    I had bestfriends that were not JW and never could have them over my house or call me...

  • Cheetos

    Same here MOG, if I tried to keep in contact with them then I felt guilty for some stupid reason I guess i was taught well, now I know it was the power of CULT, my parents had me absorbed into Landru, I wanted to go to high school reunions but there was that nagging CULT rules well they can all pound sand now.

  • Id rather watch Saturday Cartoons
    Id rather watch Saturday Cartoons

    I hated being broke and since I was a DUB I I had no hope to ever fix that. Thanks brother and sister so-and-so

  • thepackage

    I hated having to cut off my "wordly family". I lost so much time out on Service, Meetings, and all the older general BS. I could have spend that time with my family instead.

    Also, i hated how "fake" the people were.

    Lastly, the guilt they place on people for not going to meetings or service. If i missed a meeting my phone would be ringing asking why i was not at meeting. I erally hated that.

  • Cheetos

    Back when I was a stupid kid and my dad quit the Air force to please the GB well we became poor, and the only way I could buy an icecream Jet Bar from the Good Humor man was to reach inside the box at the meetings, all I can say about that is big deal now that I know how rich they really are and it wasn't from a few cents that I took for icecream.

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