Reasons You Hated Being A Jehovah's Witness

by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • dawg

    I'm with Lou belle to a degree, I'm 5ft 9inches but mostly muscle even today at 45...almost 46... I was a fullback and hit like a brick... could have played college football... maybe a small college but just the same.

    But what I hated was having plumbers, and janitors trying to tell me something in which they knew absolutely nothing about.. uneducated men with no abilities other than running to the Bible for guideance, and you can really make that fairy tale say anything you want. Almost.

  • sooner7nc

    No sports. I never got to play football, and that just sucks. Mostly though, it was just that I realized that it couldn't possibly be true.


  • R.Crusoe

    Everything I tried to learn was added to with more for me to do!

    Sisters would turn wifey against my thoughts in subtle ways whilst I was out working most hours a week without ever getting my feeling on a single matter! Presumptuous in the extreme -and detestable to their god I believe!

    And the pain they inflicted on the barage of dogma against me in subtle ways toward my children down the years after I faded changes forever the only relationships I sacrificed my own freewill for! They have negative respect for the individual!

    Sadly for them their personal judgements drink the blood of genuine souls!

    They use up goodwill as an alcoholic does spirits!

    Their addiction consumes sincerity and rejects honesty!

    They are deviants of their own truth!

  • stillajwexelder

    Hated the ministry. Hated missing out on family gatherings - birthdays/xmas/new year/thankisgiving etc

    Meetings and association I enjoyed. Giving talks/bible/wt readings good.

  • WTWizard

    I could write a whole Web site about why I hated being a witless.

    First, the boasting sessions. I hated going to "church" three times a week (I never did like going to church, even when I was a child, and even a mainstream Catholic church).

    Field circus. Having to waste all my time going door to door, where most people I ran into were so ugly that I dreaded the whole thing. And the embarrassment was constant.

    Viewing the Bible in a positive light, after having proof in my personal life that nothing of the sort was the truth. Having to accept rejection by all the sisters in the a$$embly or that cute clerk at Starbucks, and accepting that it's OK because Jehovah added that 15 years to Hezekiah's life (which has nothing to do with my personal needs).

    The petty rules. Having to wear white dress shirts, with the collar button done up, all the time. Rules on how to walk while out in field circus. The music I picked was censored.

    Not having enough time to do anything, between boasting sessions and field circus.

    Being stagnated, working with the same person in field circus all the time (at that, one that would not give me any freedom).

    And, enough other reasons to develop a whole new Internet system that would carry yottabytes per second and hold vigintillions or more bytes in the system.

  • feenx

    SERVICE! especially in condo or apartment complexes, and the ones where you know it's only a matter of time before you get thrown out. I felt like I was walking around with a target on my back, so what...I can knock on some poor persons door to try and share some kind of insane "hope for the future" always made me feel like a tard.

  • sacolton

    Service time. "Gotta get your hours in or you'll get a BIG FAT ZERO!!!" Rainy/Winter Season and every weekend was crap for going door-knocking. Wanted to just cuddle up on the couch with a nice fire in the fireplace and nap.

  • minimus

    Yeah, the petty rules....You can't date ever, unless you're interested in possibly marrying the person. So you have backward kids to early 20s who are so horny they marry the first person that takes an interest in them. Then they are miserable after the unwanted babies are born.

    You should sit in certain places of the Hall. Elders will announce where certain ones should sit. OMG!

    You have to wear a suit if giving Sunday public talks. A blazer is unacceptable.

  • loosie

    I hated missing cartoons on saturday mornings. I had to go out in service instead.

    when I got older. I hated the fact I had to put on pantyhose 4 times a week. I have put thsoe darn things on when I was skinny and when I was pregant. no matter my body shape they sucked either way.

  • VoidEater

    The worst things:

    • the self-righteous, sanctimonious condemnation of "the world" and other sincere religious people
    • the willingness to let the world go to Hell in a hand basket rather than contribute in any meaningful way to make it a better place, especially political solutions
    • the subtle and not-so-subtle putdowns of women
    • the bizarre interpretations of scripture, especially the attempts at prophecy

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