How do we know animals have always killed each other?

by inkling 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    There is also very strong evidence that there has been found two dinosaurs that are actually in mid battle when they were buried. It is in a National Geographic (March 2003 page 26-27), and also it was a BBC documentary as well which added the further information about a dinosaur called the Velociraptor.

    This dinosaur had what is called the “killing claw” and the claw has been found in the fossilisation of dinosaurs that were herbivores, around the neck area. But the picture that is in the National Geographic explains why this claw was found in the neck of other creatures.

    There are links on the internet but I don’t have any to hand. The other dinosaur that it is doing battle with is called a Protoceratops and the find was in Gobi, Mongolia.

    The fossil clearly shows the claw to the neck of the other animal.

  • inkling

    Wow, thanks so much all of you. That was exactly the sort of stuff I meant. I love this place.

    all-vegetarian antedeluvian ecology nonsense

    Ah, so THAT is what it it called. I like exact names for things.

    it seemed to me like they were trying to let this doctrine die of neglect by not bringing it up anymore.

    Well untill they face it and admit they were wrong, they get exactly zero credit from me. Stupidity dosn't go away by ignoring it.

    I cease to attach my emotion to pure speculation because I already did that and felt the harsh reality of JWs killing my spirituality and eating away at my soul for asking questions they have on their ignore list!

    This is really well said. I agree completly.


  • Leolaia
  • inkling

    Leolaia is like a Internet librarian with superpowers!


  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    That is the fossil I was referring to Leolaia. Well done. The angle is not as good as the one in the Geographic though.

    That one is more of a plan view and shows clearly the "killing claw".

  • DanTheMan

    It's interesting that one of the first times I can remember reading something in the litter-ature and not being 100% kosher with the reasoning presented deals with this subject. The article was a QFR from the 1-Feb-1994 Watchtower that started with this:

    God warned Cain that ‘sin was crouching at the entrance and for him was its craving,’ which seems to allude to a wild beast and its prey. (Genesis 4:7) Why would that language be used if before the Flood, animals ate only vegetation?

    Now, I had never even given thought to this. So right away I'm caught off guard by the very question itself. Because yeah, from a common sense point of view, how exactly could have Cain understood what Jehoobie was talking about unless he understood predatory behavior? I read on, a little nervous, because I wasn't sure what the explanation could be. Here's a portion of it that pretty much gives you the gist of their reasoning:

    What, then, of God’s warning to Cain, as we read at Genesis 4:7? Certainly the image of a savage beast crouched and ready to spring on prey would have been easily understood in Moses’ day, and we understand it too. So, again, Moses might have been using language adapted to readers familiar with the post-Flood world. And even if Cain had never seen such a creature, he would have been able to get the point of a warning that likened the sinful desire in him to a hungry, ravenous beast.

    Now, this is an answer. But, it smacks of forcing scripture to conform to doctrine, rather than the other way around.

    But, this was 1994, I was still relatively new in da troof, and not ready at all to entertain any serious doubts. I put the magazine away and I don't think I ever read a QFR again after this one. I just couldn't take the cog diss. There are many very smart JW's who accept, even embrace this kind of 'it had to have been this way' reasoning. I can't understand how they do it.

  • inkling
    QFR from the 1-Feb-1994 Watchtower

    Facinating, I totally missed this one...

    So, again, Moses might have been using language adapted to readers familiar with the post-Flood world.

    So moses, the First human to ever be entrusted with writing down the very words of god just goes ahead and MISQUOTES god??? What the crap?

    And even if Cain had never seen such a creature, he would have been able to get the point of a warning that likened the sinful desire in him to a hungry, ravenous beast.

    Uh, no. He would not have. That is sorta the point. Foreign analogy is worthless. Thank you WT, for making us all a little dumber.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Isn't it marvelous how "the truth" unravels like a ball of yarn in a room full of kittens, after you have your awakening?

    It's fascinating.

    It never ceases to amaze me how thoroughly I was deceived at one point in my life.

    To the future!

    The Oracle

  • Leolaia

    Too bad those "Bible scholars" at Bethel weren't aware of the evidence suggesting that the allusion there was to a demon, not an animal predator. Brief summary of this here:

    But the problem is that if they made this argument, they would have to admit a sort of kinship between Babylonian mythology and the OT.

  • R.Crusoe

    I believe humans in the US alone kill 10 billion per year! This animal is one significant predator!

    I dont believe animals ever ask themselves the question as to why they do it?

    Is someone suggesting they got lazy grazing all day and decided to eat one who does?

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