Jesus can definitely fulfill a purpose in my life... he's my painter and when he finishes the job were on, we all will get paid... that definitely fulfills a purpose.
Lets talk about Jesus!
by real one 87 Replies latest jw friends
He can paint too? I thought he was just a carpenter.
Wasn't it The Byrds?
I've been doing a lot of thinking about Jesus lately. At this point in time, I'm inclined to believe his teachings
were of a "mysterious" nature and hidden from most people. I think he was an Enlightened One and came to
teach a message that had two levels of meaning. Those at a certain level that were ready to receive it (those that
had "eyes to see" and "ears to hear") received the esoteric doctrines, and the others received the mundane teachings.
Basic Christianity as we know it today, developed around the mundane. The mystery teachings are hidden from this
He can paint too? I thought he was just a carpenter.
He's a hard worker!!! He also mows grass and does landscaping.
inkling give sight to the blind, to free everyone who suffers
When he gets around to doing either of those things, he can give me a call.
Right on JK
Not many people know that.
Witness 007
Real ones come back; " Witness, that is a lie." = Why do fundamentalist christians do that, just shutdown when you show them something they dont want to see? Thats exactly what my mum does when I say something about the Witnesses. Let me tell you the TRUE story of Jesus. He was a Carpenter with a spiritual side. Like all 30 year old Jewish men of the time he was married with kids. He started his own christian group of followers including Mary Magdelene his wife. He was crucified and DID die. His followers claim he was ressurected and appeared only to them, before returning to heaven. This idea starts christianity. The Gospels written long after his death, down play Mary's role and the church turns on her saying she was a harlot and demotes women in general. After some debate, the church cannonised certain gospels as it saw fit...while throwing out others that did not support the clergy's views. He performed no miricles or ressurections but it made convincing reading.
djk watch your mouth
*watching DJK's mouth...*
Yep, we got a definite case of blasphemy here!! Go get the timber and matches Jim Bob, I'll meet you at the ol' burnin' stake!
Yee haw! We got ourselves an In-fi-dell!
Thanks for saying it like it is! Although I am not sure about some of those details, I am sure that if he existed at all he was nothing more than a David Koresh. Everything else was written later.