Something has gotten on my nerves a bit recently. There are numerous discussions regarding the validity of the bible which usually result in the following:
* An ExJW who has doubts about the bible concludes there is no god
* An atheist points out the bible inconsistencies and as a result says its ridiculous to believe in a god.
* A Christian who sees value in the bible asserts that the bible god is GOD (and none other)
What bugs me is that everyone seems to ignore the fact that there are so many religions in the world who don't acknowledge the bible at all and the validity of the bible has NO bearing whatsoever on the question of whether a Deity or Deities exist.
Too many "god doesn't exist" threads centre on the Christian view of God.
Not all religions think God is some old man in the sky who judges....some think god is a woman LOL (being flippant here but you know what I'm getting at).
World" Religions:There are many, long established, major world religions, each with over three million followers. We have shown the five largest North American religions in bold:
Baha'i Faith
Christian groups, denominations and families (Amish to The Way)Confucianism
Vodun (Voodoo)
1 Neopagan Religious Faiths
Neopagan faiths
are modern-day reconstructions of ancient Pagan religions from various countries and eras. They experience a high but diminishing level of discrimination and persecution in North America. They were once rarely practiced in public for reasons of safety. This is rapidly changing for the better.
Asatru (Norse Paganism) * Druidism Goddess Worship Wicca
Witchcraft Notes:
Many followers of Asatru regard themselves as "Heathens" rather than "Neopagans." Many followers of these religions refer to themselves as "Pagans." We use the term "Neopagan" because it is less ambiguous. "Pagan" has a variety of unrelated meanings.
Other organized Religions
These are smaller religions, with a well defined belief in deity, humanity and the rest of the universe. Of the many hundreds of faith groups in the world, we have chosen these because of their historical significance, or because of the massive amount of misinformation that has been spread about them in North America:
So before people say "God is obviously a sadistic b**tard" based on the Bible god, think again!