being bored and satan!!!
What do you remember about the Conventions?
by ScoobySnax 47 Replies latest jw friends
That my feet always hurt because my shoes were always new. I was bored to death unless I walked around. Walking around with new shoes = blisters.
Cheese danishes and frozen orange juice.
Trying to take notes, and getting bored.
Nodding off.
Trips to the Smithsonian, and the zoo a day before, and on the half day.
The hotel swimming pool.
The feeling of the astroturf on my bare feet walking to the baptismal pool.
Sunburns. -
Olin Moyles Ghost
For the last couple of years before they stopped serving food at the District Conventions, I worked in "expediting." This job consisted of transporting the food from storage rooms to the food service tables. As a teenager, this was a much better job than working in food service (i.e., serving food during the lunch break) because the work had to be done DURING the session. Thus, you got to miss part of the program and didn't have to work during the breaks. A win-win situation!
Being asked in 55 different ways if I'm really doing enough to promote the religion. Hearing it said or insinuated in 55 different ways how really really really close we are to the end. Hearing it stressed in 55 different ways how important it is to stay loyal to the organization.
Homerovah the Almighty
Meeting up with people and finding out where the next party will be.
Dull boring talks on subjects that you heard of thousand times.
chicks , chicks and more chicks....oh yeah !
How boring they were and how difficult to keep two young kids quiet for hours and hours..... Also how rudely all the jdubs around me were when my kids made any peep at all. they would stare at me as if to say WHY IN HELL did you have those little Brats this close to the end?......I could just feel the disdain all around me.............I used to have panic attacks the whole week prior to the conventions and had a migraine the week following. If there is a hell, I experienced a little bit of it every year I was a dub at those dam things. It was the first thing I gave up even before giving up the meetings. Lilly
omg, cheese danish and frozen OJ, lol. I remember sitting in 100 degree heat, and in 1994 or 1995 sitting in one of the worst heat waves in philly at the vet. i also remember when i was real young, this one year, they would go out in service RIGHT AFTER the convention was over. I even at that age was like "WHAT THE F***!!!" lol
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
I remember the disappointed and empty feeling at the end. I felt utterly let down.
There was so much to arrange beforehand, long distance to travel, work to be done there, uncomfortable seats, usually hard to see or hear. So much preparation, so many promises of excitement and wonderful spiritual things. At the end, it was excitement for what? Another not-so-great book released? New 'friends' not worth keeping in touch with? There were no 'miracles', no 'prophecies', no flashes of wonderful new light, nothing worthwhile of a spiritual nature. I tried meeting sisters there, but the selection was either 'frigid pioneer looking for a window-washing partner' or 'out of my league and soon to be out of the truth hotties'. The best memories were the occasional fun things we did afterward.
B the X
I hated when we were assigned to Veteran's Stadium, the Capital Center (I think that was its name) in Landover was much better.