Why is this So

by evilchicken 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • evilchicken

    Hey Folks,
    Just a newbie here. I love the post here on this site. Many of the well thought out and thought provoking. I am happy, my out come with a very sad event. My gramms who had been a witness since 1912 passed away about a month ago. I had to pretend to be a witness so I could stay close and take care of her-famdamily would have never allowed an apostate help care for her. Anyway I am free of the bonds of Watchtower slavery!
    What makes me sad is how many on this site belittle and trash the average witness. Why is this? Please explain this attitude? Many of us were once in their shoes, so does comming to our senses make us more superior to those who choose to remain with the WTBS.
    It makes me sad that the GB will not own up to their error and how the r/f pay the price. It just makes me sick.

  • Simon

    (( welcome ))

    I think a lot of people get frustrated with their behavious and how they blindly follow their leaders. I know I am guilty of this and making fun of the people rather than what they do.

    Glad you like the site, look forward to your posts.

  • jst2laws

    Hello evelchicken,

    You sound like a good person. Concerned enough with your grandmothers needs to play the old game again. My wife and I are still playing that same game so we can care for family and friends too.

    Your observations have some validity. You said “does coming to our senses make us more superior to those who choose to remain with the WTBS.” While not true of all, there are some who occasional seem to slip into the same mode the Watchtower did in lifting itself up above all other religions as it pointed out legitimate faults in them. Seems to be a human tendency.

    Just one of the reasons I like the tolerance displayed by the example of Jesus.
    As you pointed out, the GB is not imitating the one they claim to follow as they display arrogance and intolerance.

    Welcome to the board and hope you will contribute a non-judgmental, rational and tolerant perspective to discussions in the future.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Welcome, Evilchicken! I just love your nickname - I'm not sure whether I should shudder or chuckle!

    Please accept my condolences on the death of your Gramms. Your love for her was demonstrated by the effort you made to be close to her.

    Your question made me pause for a nanosecond to think. Most of us here have family or old friends who are still in the Borg, and if we "belittle and trash the average witness" (and I'm not sure that we do, but for the sake of discussion I'll accept your observation) it is because we see in them ourselves before we realized that "the trooth" was not THE TRUTH. We see the gullibility and unthinking acceptance of various levels of abuse that we each accepted, and that gullibility is what we REALLY hate. (I should say I'm only speaking for myself - that's the ROYAL "we".)

    There are other things I hate also - I hate the things I had to grow up without, like all my relatives on both sides of my family because Mom wanted to be a Dub. I hate that I was denied an education, friendship, school organizations, the boy scouts, bitrthdays, holidays - everything that is part of a normal american "Leave It To Beaver" life.

    As witnesses we were told that we didn't hate people, we hated their evil deeds. Likewise, I don't hate Dubs, I hate the evil veil of superstition and ignrance they wear like a freakin' crown.

    'Nuff said.

    So, Evilchicken, do you have any super powers?


    Just how evil are you?Are you like..Satan the chicken devil?Thomas Poole just may pay you a visit...HAVE A NICE DAY EH!...OUTLAW

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I'm thinking like sulfur-roasted chicken with a piquant habanero rub.

    I give it 8 demons hot!


    Nathan Natas,sulfer roasted chicken..man you are so gross!!(lol)I phoned KFC and told them we got an evil chicken.They`re interested!!All we gotta do is set an evil chicken trap.What do you think?...OUTLAW

  • ISP

    I don't think anyone is too hard on JWs themselves. We have a lot of fellow feeling for them. Welcome to the board, BTW!


  • evilchicken

    Hey all,

    Thanks so much for your replies. I love the support you show for each other.

    To Outlaw. Nice to meet you, but to answer your question as to how evil I am..well I never kiss and tell..one clue, though, I love married oral sex! Gramms, being one of the anointed, I thought could handle my questions on the subject. She just blushed and walked away, her passing comment was why ask her. She hadnt cohabited with a man for nearly 60 years!

    To Nate. I do have a supernatural power(jw's would say I am demonized). I can see thru B.S.-excepted when it is encased in lead.

  • evilchicken

    PS. I think Fred what's his name isnt a loyal dub-he is a fraud! I think you should cook that turkey's ass!
    Oh yes I am hot! Just ask wifey poo! At any rate, I look forward to be part of this site!

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