Why is this So

by evilchicken 18 Replies latest jw friends


    So,your a funny evil chicken...Maybe we`ll hold off on the KFC deal for a while.Theres not to many funny evil chickens running around.OK we`ll give you a week.If your not still funny in a week,the KFC deal is back on.You better be one funny evil chicken...OUTLAW

  • Tatiana
    I love married oral sex!
    I can see thru B.S

    Evilchicken...I like you already! Welcome!


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • Stephanus

    Yes, Fred Hall's a fraud, but he's part of the atmosphere of the place, kinda like when we used to live between a cokeworks and a sewage plant - you get used to the filthy stench, and sometimes even miss it!


    This place is becoming a zoo.We have a demon cat,(the official board cat)Fred Hall,and an evil chicken named evil chicken...OUTLAW

  • pettygrudger

    Welcome Evilchicken - so you're HOT aye? hmmmm....ladies, he's taken I think from the above post (damnit - can't even find um single out of the "borg"!)

    As far as being superior to JW's, hopefully this has not been true in my case as many others. Nathan hit the nail on the head - sometimes its hard to see ourselves in others.

    As far as the JW's that post here, they don't take anymore crap than anyone else, until they start their haughty "your gonna die" crap, then it gets a little rough for um....and why shouldn't it?

  • RedhorseWoman

    Welcome, EC. Personally, I haven't seen much belittling and trashing of active Witnesses unless they start telling us how evil we are and that we're going to be destroyed.

    There are quite a few active Witnesses here, and as long as they act decently without trying to judge everyone else, they are accepted.

  • ashitaka

    Some make fun, some listen. Just keep on posting like you have and the right people will come to you. Also, condolences on the loss of your grandmother and congratulations on your arrival to freedom.


  • teejay

    Hello, evilchicken, and welcome to the funny farm!

    I like chicken, btw... Caribbean, hot 'n' spicy, Southern fried, all kinds, but 'evil' chicken? Never tried that. There's always the first time, eh?

    Sorry for your gramms. You were very lucky to have her so long, but you probably already know that. The eldest member of my family is my aunt, who's 70. Everyone else is gone.

    You said/asked: What makes me sad is how many on this site belittle and trash the average witness. Why is this? Please explain this attitude?

    I've mentioned and wondered the same thing. I have no problems with active JWs, myself, having been one so long. I can even tolerate the arrogant ones who come here and tell us how we need Jesus... er, I mean Jehover, etc, etc, blah, blah. They don't bother me.

    The anger that's spewed at them? I just think people are in pain, bitter, still angry themselves or in one way or another haven't found peace with their past. They'll get there.

    Looking forward to your thoughts.


  • evilchicken

    hello Teejay,

    Thought and thought about this for sometime. How I would answer you. I was taught by gramms to think before you speak, so I have thought and now will answer you to the best of my ability.
    I have been on both sides of the issue. I have seen the best and the worst of the WBTS-yes I do have good memories. I dont totally have a waste of a life, but wonder now where I would be now if I had taken a different direction earlier. I have one regret though, I wish I had not been a hypocrite for so long. But I had a lot to lose. I played the game for those I loved and didnt want to lose. That sucks. My major problem with the WBTS is with the leadership, not rank and file.
    Take for example the issue of child abuse. I almost get the impression by some of the posters here that the problem lays with the whole organization. In other words the rank and file go along with the stand of the leadership.I do not agree with this at all. I know of cases where r/f members stood up for what was right. When posting post here we have to be carefull to make the distinction. Every case is different. We cant sterotype anyone. I find it interesting that the Society is now where the world in general was 20-30 years ago. In denial about the whole subject. I was molested at 5-by non jw, and have never seen any justice. The blame really goes to the leadership here.
    There is a recent post that asked the question can you get witnesses to tell the truth about who they really are. I find this strange. Do you think r/f really know what is going on behind the scenes? Does the average witness even take an interest in their own history? No is the answer.You have to realise that in the jw world to question GB is a very dangerous attitude-why it is presumptuos to challenge those Jehovah has appointed to lead his "org". They do not feel they are living a lie. They feel their faith is genuine. They feel their ministry has value, and that the literature contains vital info.
    The problem I see here that disturbs me about jw mantality is that they let a group for men do all their major decision making.God's word can only be understood with the help of the GB period. I feel that well meaning people have allowed themselves to be reduced to parrots. I thought that the whole process of being a witness was to aid me in having a real relationship with Jesus and Jehovah. But as it turned out in my case this has not proved to be so. I have not let God speak to me thru the pages of his word. Rather I saw man made regulations getting in the way of this process.I find it disturbing that questioning Society actions is the same as apostacy towards Jehovah.
    The Society must be held accountable for its actions not only before men, but more importantly before God. Those who expose the failings honorably, my hat goes off to these ones. We shouldnt make this a mission to get jws out of the Society. All we can do is provide them with the facts and let nature take its coarse. If they choose to stay in the wt world does that make them bad-I dont think so, as we cant read their minds or hearts. I can never trash what I once was. Its like some here have forgotten what motivated the average jw to do what they do, and to put up with what they put up with. The honestly feel they are being loyal to God

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