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Alex Jones Smacks Down a 9/11 Kool-Aid Drinker
by What-A-Coincidence 24 Replies latest jw friends
Ninja, you probably wont like this site either.
From The Alex Jones Show, February 24, 2008. Alex takes a call from a caller who finds it incredulous that the government could stage an attack against itself. The caller tries to talk down to Alex, but Alex schools him on the basics of false flag terror. A must-watch for all 9/11 Kool-Aid drinkers and those who love to see them smacked down.
No, the guy failed to answer the callers question and just went off on a meandering diversion naming lots of people. Since the caller wasn't allowed to debate or insist on an answer to his question then I fail to see how you can claim the host 'schools' him. 'Kool aid', 'smack down' ? no, it smelled just like BS to me. Even if the American government has used false flag attacks elsewhere it does not mean that makes 9/11 a false flag attack as well.
Whilst I wouldn't claim it is beyond the realms of possibility that genuine islamic terrorists were recruited in order for the American government to stage an attack on itself, you have to have some proof beyond a vague claim that some people believe it to be true and that it has happened before. However, much as I might like to see the current US administration found guilty of crimes against the American people, the fact is that Bush and Co couldn't organise an orgy in a brothel let alone an international conspiracy as suggested.
Afraid to read real facts? Or content just believing a fantasy conspiracy story? Ignorance is bliss! There's nothing more jarring than an assault on beliefs! JWs know this well! says stalin............. it's just that you believe the official fantasy conspiracy theory....ninja
I remember when I was at work watching this thing -911- happening ....and i remember thinking wow isnt it amazing how the tower building is coming straight down without it or parts tipping over onto other buildings .. ...and i was waiting for the "maximum" catastophic event to happen. cuz it was like watchn a movie ..but the tower came down on itself..and i never gave it another thought...i just thought aboiut the lives lost. But NOW that i look at it again and i heard with my own ears how the firefighters said "whats the deal with the "steel girders" all cut on an angel and molten all over? which is what they do to implode buidings ,well, I wouldnt put it past "those bastards". Thats all.
I would say that from my previous post it is glaringly obvious I actually watched the video. Present me with some kind of evidence and I will read it, I believe what I believe based on evidence, not hot air. What on earth have the opinions of JWs (or Stalin come to that) got to do with the topic?
I have never claimed ignorance is bliss, if you have some real evidence then you might have a point to make. As it is all I heard on the video was another conspiracy theorist talking out of his backside, providing no evidence to back up his claims.
I remember when I was at work watching this thing -911- happening ....and i remember thinking wow isnt it amazing how the tower building is coming straight down without it or parts tipping over onto other buildings
It would have been wonderful if that, in fact, happened. But alas, it did not. Each of the three collapsing buildings fell onto other buildings. If not, could someone please find for me the Greek Orthodox church that was located about two blocks away from the towers? It seems to have gone missing during the chaos of 9/11.
Each of the three collapsing buildings fell onto other buildings. If not, could someone please find for me the Greek Orthodox church that was located about two blocks away from the towers? It seems to have gone missing during the chaos of 9/11.
It would have been wonderful if that, in fact, happened. But alas, it did not. Each of the three collapsing buildings fell onto other buildings. If not, could someone please find for me the Greek Orthodox church that was located about two blocks away from the towers? It seems to have gone missing during the chaos of 9/11.
The priests were in on it, they were members of the Illuminati. The evidence had to be destroyed.
If not, could someone please find for me the Greek Orthodox church that was located about two blocks away from the towers?
Im not surprised there was some loss in the surrounding area. But at the time it seemed to me that it should of been much worse. This was only a passing thought at the time. All im saying is I find it strange that under the circumstances the correct thing for minimal damage happened - Which is the building coming down on itself floor by floor by floor. What I really thought was going to happen, at the time,which surprised me more than anything was that i thought "Ok the planes hit all the way up there ...now ..we are going to have the top of the buiding burning and slowly disintergrating ..and eventually there is going to be half a building on site that will need to be taken down later." But no the whole thing came down floor by floor. Wow i thought after...how the heck did that actually happen? When i I heard the firemen's statements it gave me a reason to react differently...
The church you speak of was a very small landmark church.....and ....The church you speak of that was destroyed is described as a "tiny" and "small" church . So yes im not surprised at all it was demolished.