Alex Jones Smacks Down a 9/11 Kool-Aid Drinker

by What-A-Coincidence 24 Replies latest jw friends

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  • ColdRedRain

    Actually, what you stated re: pancaking floors, happens all the time when structures with multiple decks collapse upon themselves. You can see a miniturization of the same concept with martial artists breaking multiple boards in a row from the top down. Usually, you see spacers between the boards when they break the multiple boards in a row. When the first board is broken, the force and weight from the broken first board causes the second board beneath it to collapse, all the way down to the lowest board.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    When buildings are imploded, they collapse from the bottom up, this creates less damage to the surrounding area.

    the towers fell from the top down, not the way buildings are imploded.

    BTW, has anyone checked out what it takes to implode a building?

    swarms of people, working for weeks, with the imploding devices taking up all kinds of space.

    How could those huge towers, be set up for implosion without anyone noticing?

    It's not like hollywood, where a tiny device that you can hide behind a lampshade, will blow up a huge building.

    Real technology is not that advanced.

    And BTW again, do you really think our government is slick enough to pull off such a 007, mission impossible event? c'mon!

  • Layla33

    I am not sure of Alex Jones, although some of what he says is true. 9/11 was totally an inside job. I know this based on not just "conspiracy theorist" but people that work in the government that lived next to me for many years and because I know people that work at Langley.

    I have one question and one question only, WHERE is the video of the plane crashing into the Pentagon? Just one. The most protected and video surveillanced building in the world and not one video is available. It was on that one thing alone that I began questioning the official story. I happen to be in a place and career where I can interact with a lot of higher level people. In fact, most of what we are "told" as American citizens is about 3/5th of the truth and sometimes it is about much smaller than that.

  • Caedes

    If we were to suppose that the tin foil hat brigade were correct and the 9/11 attacks were an inside job and the US government was willing to kill thousands of it's own citizens, why would they go to the trouble of setting demolition charges to bring down the two towers in a supposed attempt to bring them down in their own footprint. Why not just rig the whole thing to fall sideways and take out a whole block?

    Anybody cold-blooded enough to want to risk killing civilians to start a war would have no worries about further collateral damage. Of course if the supposed plan was to minimize collateral damage why not choose a lower profile target like a shopping centre.

    Or perhaps it was just the passenger planes loaded with fuel and piloted by crazed religious fanatics, crashing into them.

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