Dozens of false Prophecies and doctrinal "flip flops" but Witnesses still claim........"but its the truth! Where else can I go! So, if there is a God or Jehovah CAN HE BLAME ME FOR HAVING DOUBTS???? If I was in the governing body I would have learnt my lesson from Russell's false predictions 1879 1914 etc........instead it CONTINUED........Rutherford 1925......W.W 2........and Franz "God's Oricle" surley he got the message..........NOPE.....1975 and the Generation of 1914....Surely God will be merciful and say:"Hey Witness 007, it's not your fault!...they weren't speaking for wonder you stumbled...come in to Paradise!"
Does "God" Jehovah hate us for leaving the Watchtower society? Why!
by Witness 007 32 Replies latest watchtower bible
Who is Jehovah?
In the OT this god blesses those who kill every male female and child who dont follow him!
This god feels pleasure from animals dying for some reason!
This god feels pleasure for those willing to kill their children for him - as with Abraham!
I'm not sure I understand this idea of god!!!
In the NT god forgives!
God says let yourself die before taking up arms
Be nice to enemies in ways you would want them to be nice to you.
So the dilema!! Does god change?
I think not!
And did god need Jesus to die for someones pleasure?
I think not!
If anything it was a show of how love will let itself die to help peace!
But sacrifice??? I think not! I see no value in such a notion apart from some making up reasons for it!
It is why I don't consider the Bible as divine! I think it is mens work searching for meaning as to who god is!
So tell me what the character of Jehovah is please and whether you feel such a character even can be god - the giver of all life and love?
Witness, I agree with you. No, he doesnt expect us to stay and listen to false prophets.
For years I prayed for help in returning to the fold, it never came. Then I got the internet and found out alot of stuff I didnt know, and remembered other stuff that I had forgotten about the Witnesses. I never knew 1975 was such a big deal, because I was only 5 years old when they were telling people it would be a fine thing to sell their homes and pioneer.
So, I started reading the bible for myself in my 30's. The content of my prayers changed, and those were answered.
It makes me sad to read about people who have so much guilt over being df'd.
I honestly don't know if he is all that concerned hey. If He is there?
knock knock
It's a no-win for the Watchtower Society. If God exists (and God would have to fit all three characteristics commonly attributed to Him, not just one or two), then He would have no choice but to allow room for error. There are scams galore, and they were even predicted in the Bible. Smooth talking was also predicted. Thus, even if the Watchtower Society was telling the truth this time, they have lied so many times in the past that anyone seeking the truth would have to be salvaged. If God were to destroy anyone just for not sticking with the Watchtower Society, even if it was the truth, He would not be maximally benevolent (and thus blowing that definition).
If God actually exists but is not maximally benevolent, and He did expect people to accurately guess that the Watchtower Society is the truth and stay in no matter what, then what kind of new order would He create? I think most people would rather die than live forever in stagnation on Earth. Everything you do is something you are explicitly told to, and you only think what you are supposed to. There is no real joy. Nothing good is ever created. Your time is wasted serving this malevolent God.
If there is no God in any sense, then it's totally wasted time. It is all man-made. The Bible has been tampered with by man to provide a false sense of a God, so a few could rule man in the name of God. The Watchtower Society hand-picked this, and altered a few scriptures and took others out of context to divert some of that control to itself. And now they are demanding ever more. Your life is stolen from you, and there is no reward of any kind for dying faithful.
Take your pick. I cannot see any benefit whatsoever in staying faithful to the Watchtower Society. If God does hate you for leaving the Watchtower Society, He is therefore such a cruel God that life in the "new" order would not be worth living. Otherwise, either salvation would be based on grace (Ephesians 2:8 and 9 explicitly point that out), or you would only have to be reasonably seeking the truth and be disappointed by the Watchtower Society, or there is no salvation. Either way, the Watchtower Society loses.
I totally agree. I doubt there is a god - but if there is - then I'm sure he'd want us to do what we think is right. If we just go along with what we're told, I imagine he'd be pissed off at us on judgement day.
real one
I knew the jw were not the truth from the beginning. I was at a weak point in my life when they got me. doubts ran rampant in my mind for years. i had no zeal for it. i kept wondering why i wasnt excited to get up and go to those meetings. then one day i decided to go on the iternet and do some research. that did it! i knew my feelings were correct. then i started really reading the Bible...started with the book of Romans, which jw basically was written for the "annointed". and thats when I got it. I prayed to God for years to let me see when the truth was right in my face all the time. then a witness told me that on Jeopardy the question was which Bible translation was the most used. the answer was the nwt. i nearly flipped. i researched it and found many opinions that said it was the worst. I had another translation laying around and when I read it, what did i discover, the scriptures in the nwt had been changed to fit their beliefs. i still to this day look up scriptures and compare them. its sad. they tell you they are very simular then you read them and they are totally different. what liars!
so to answer the question, no God does not hate us. He is glad we took the time to find the real truth have a way with twisting who God is also. They taught you well. The distruction you speak of that you say God does is His to do. We dont judge God. He created us. dont let Satan continue to blind your mind to the truth. im only stating this conclusion from your comment. You will not understand God until you are a believer. Will you receive a blinding light one day, i dont know . But i hope one day the scales will fall and you will see the truth. and that goes for everyone on here that wants to say there is no God, just because you say it wont make it so.
Real one,
The other night I was driving along withtears in my eyes and a warmth in my soul under a stary sky and a crescent moon! I could imagine all life linked to this cosmic show and how natures clock ticks its own time!
I was in love with the moon a while and the life all around!
But I have no notion of a god of words!
And I could happily each day of life leave it and be gone!
I have no desire for this world, its womes, its minds and its ambitions!
I am sad that my place I had in mind for the next few decades was severed from me _ I would have done an excellent job! But events conspired in ways I completely cannot explain even now!
I truly have had enough on top of enough of this living gifted me and have no fear of death - quite the opposite - it is my one ambition that it be this next hour!
But life keeps coming at me and I have no desire for it!
And the giver of life will take me in time so I leave that for now to other forces but if I decide for myself I will have no regret for I know whatever gave me life is ready to take it back! I know this in my soul!
For now there are some small unknowns that maybe are required of me.
Otherwise I have no clue why I am still here like I haven't these past years except maybe to relate what others feel!
And being in such a place is of zero value to me! I see no reason for it!
Liars and thieves will take away your life and sell it or enjoy the game they play!
I am most certainly not in a world I feel kindred and have been separated from some by scum who forged events till I chose it as an option for their being saved from my sinking ship!
It's as if I'm already out of it! As if The world is on a cinema screen and I wish to leave - tired but placidly and with a happiness to be going!
I see life all around and feel I am done!
I have no place here!
So your wishes for me are like pins to my eyes that mother would press home!
Wanting for me what is not for me to have! I despise the idea!! But would not take what it gives you away!
No, God does not hate us for leaving a huge publishing empire that teaches false things about him and that lays claim to the haughty belief that they are actually somehome speaking for God.
No on can place God in a box for all their own. I do believe in a God but I have to admit, even after 25 years of searching I am not 100% sure "who" or "what" God really is. But I have had testimony given to my spirit that he does exist and I've seen him at work in my life. I still have questions and probably always will and I've learned that no one has ALL the answers. If they claim they the other way.
Real one,
I had a similiar experience like you in the org. I never was 100% behind their teachings and many I could not accept at all. But my husband wanted to join the org and I did too, more or less to have a social place to go. Once I was in and saw the strong hold the WT has on people and how they expect allegance to them over the bible, I had a big problem with that.
Also, as I read the scriptures and especially Jesus' words, I knew in my heart he was addressing me. So no matter how much the WT said those texts do not apply to me, I knew deep down they did apply. Glad I am out, that is for sure! Jesus load is much more kindly and light. Peace, Lilly
I really do understand the thread-starting post, but it almost reads like:
"Witnesses are wrong, so God, Jehovah, will forgive ones that left the Witnesses
over doctrine when it turns out they were right."We don't need forgiveness if they were wrong. But, generally, you are saying
that this assumes their changing light BS is correct, but Jehovah would have
to forgive anyone for getting confused over that.It's kind of like an unfair test that is given:
The opening instructions for the test say "Before answering any questions with the
provided pen on the provided answer sheet, put your name on your answer sheet and
read the entire test." After the last question, it says "Do not mark a single answer on
your answer sheet. Just turn in the sheet with your name on it. Any marked answers
will cause you to fail for not following the instructions."Well, forget it Bubba. If Paradise on Earth is coming in any way, shape, or form
that JW's said it would be coming in, I don't want to live in that Paradise.Jehovah hate me? HA. I am mad at him for letting this nonsense be representative
of "the truth."