Please , read Deutoronomy 18.15-22.This passage is misused by many so-called professed christians ! This fragment concerns the discernment of the first coming of the Messiah. Moses gave instructions to his people how they were to recognize the true Messiah - the Great Prophet .
Once the Bible was completed the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of the prophecy and it is obvious that the Book of Revelation is about the end-time ! So , now there is another new way of recognizing who is a true or false prophet !
Matthew 7.13,21-23 speaks to that and it has nothing to do with the end-time predictions of the end of the world !
Neither the International Bible Students nor Jehovah's Witnesses nor Obves can be called false prophets because they were able to decodify the dates God Yahweh has in His plan to choose from the final date.
If I pick up 12 dates from this year and you will try to find them exactly the same chances are almost nil you will not guess even one date from 12 dates I picked !
If you get all 12 dates exactly the same I have you will not be condemned by that but I will speak of you favorably !
It is high time to come to common sense the nature of the end-time predictions is a unique and it doesn't allow to wait the prediction out and see if a person is a true or false prophet.
You could wait untill promised signs come true to test a prophet but not in the case of the end-time predictions. Even if the signs came to pass in the past it did not mean that people were to follow that prophet ; he was to be tested how he teaches is he teaching to go after other gods -Deuteronomy 13.1-5.
Right now Harold Camping from the Family Radio Stations,Inc is predicting the same year as I do : the year 2011 AD when the end of the world is to take place .
Even if the prediction comes true I am not telling anyone to follow the teachimngs of Harold Camping as he is against the testimony of Jesus who spoke in favor of one small group of disciples and one seperate independent servant in Luke 9.49-50.
Suppose the predictiion comes to pass in the year 2011 AD. We 'll be both right but we cannot be both true prophets at the same time.The true prophets are those who fulfill the testimony of Jesus in Luke 9.49-50.
The testimony of Jesus in Luke 9.49-50 is about one small united group of his servants and Jesus also accepts one only independent servant and cannot be against that small group of servants . I am not against that group but Harold Camping is ! I am with the testimony of Jesus as I agree with his words in Luke 9.49-50 !
If the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of the prophecy and his words in Luke 9.49-50 give his testimony about the servants I pointed to ,all who are against Luke 9.49-50 : the International Bible Students and their legitimate successors who are Jehovahs's Witnesses and Obves are against the testimony of Jesus he gave about us - the end-time prophets ! Such people who oppose us and teach others to do the same are false prophets ! It has nothing to do with the failed predictions we came up in the end-times !
We were just enlightened to be able to find the dates God Yahweh has in His plan from which to choose the date of the end of the world.
You don't look on whether the prediction failed and that's it ! You must check how the prediction was made if it is based on the Bible and who made the prediction. Only true servants of God Yahweh and Jesus are entitled to make predictions . And each prediction is the expectation as God Yahweh has a line of dates and He can decide on the first date or 7th date or 23rd date that is in line . Since every prediction made by true servants carries likelihood of coming to pass we must be ready every time we make prediction and it is done in timely fashion. If the date chosen by me is 2011 AD ,I cannot publish to all nations the end of the world is coming in 2034 AD if the end may come in 2011 AD ! I am moving in orderly timely fashion date by date !