by badboy 27 Replies latest jw friends
Don't think so... he also had the idea that the "lost tribes" of Israel were scattered across the Globe and that Britain was one of them.
Take a look at the Church's website - they had a bit of a turnaround and went mainstream.
"Worldwide Church of God".
He claimed "NO" until the day he croaked. Who really knows?
Deputy Dog
Take a look at the Church's website - they had a bit of a turnaround and went mainstream.
Does this look "mainstream" to you?
Eternal Judgment
At the end of the age, God will gather all the living and the dead before the heavenly throne of Christ for judgment. The righteous will receive eternal glory, and the wicked will be condemned to the lake of fire. In Christ the Lord makes gracious and just provision for all, even for those who at death appear not to have believed the gospel.Hell
Hell is the separation and alienation from God chosen by incorrigible sinners. In the New Testament, hell is referred to by the terms "lake of fire," "darkness," and Gehenna (a gorge outside Jerusalem where garbage was burned). Hell is characterized by punishment, torment, anguish, weeping and gnashing of teeth, and eternal destruction. The biblical terms Sheol and Hades, often translated "hell" or "the grave," refer to the realm of the dead. The Bible teaches that unrepentant sinners will suffer the second death in the lake of fire, but it does not make absolutely clear whether this means annihilation or conscious spiritual alienation from God.
No, it doesn't seem "mainstream", thanks.
It is however, in keeping with many churches today, including what some Anglican clergy say in private.
Deputy Dog
Lately, I've heard this crap, by some people in my own church (Reformed Baptist). It certainly isn't historically mainstream.
They are also binitarians (Jesus and the Father are God). They've fragmented into the RCG and some others. Sometimes they have banners on this site. In the first several centuries after the apostles there were collectives of Jewish Christians who had views different from the rest of the Christians. They hold to some of these beliefs. 10 commandments, sabbath keeping, certain Jewish festivals, etc. I don't know how they started but one huge difference is that there was a huge organization wide repentance and they changed many of their teachings.
Hey All,
When I was a teenager the "Plain Truth" (World Wide Church of God/Armstrong voice) was all over Ft. Lauderdale (1971-2ish)(in lots of health food stores, etc.) and the message was always so similar to the WTBS that I started asking questions, because the message in the "Plain Truth" was always so much slicker and appealing than the WT.I was told by an elder and his wife that Armstrong was an apostate, of the evil slave class....
Never bothered to check it out, but this elder and his wife were fairly well connected in the BORG.Just thought I would drop that info on you, for what it is worth...which may or may not be much.
He claimed to have never been a Jehovah's Witness.
Armstrong got much of his doctrine from association with seventh day Adventists, who have a lineage which includes second Adventists that CT Russell was associated with. Having the same roots as the WT can certainly explain similar doctrines.