Welcome! Look forward to reading your story. Enjoy the forum there is a lot of good (and some useless) information in this site.
Hello, I'm new...
by IcingHeart 51 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome Icing. So happy to know your finding out the" truth" is the "lie" Just take it easy... I found it very hard after I had made 10 people JW's that I had pressed them into serving a false prophet........ Deut 18:20-22. I am 80 +so my life is pretty well over, but I spent 25 years knocking on doors trying to make people slaves of the Organization. Unfortunatly I was a good sales man.( woman) Do try to read CrisesOf Conscience it is going to be difficult for you being surronded with family. But you will loose them all if you blab what your finding out. Be wise... Take all your learning in, & start praying for the REAL truth... I did ((((((HUGS))))
Welcome to the forum Icing...
Samuel Thorsen
Fasten your seat belts.
It's gonna be a hell of a ride
LouBelle - Icing=love. Yum... *hugs back*
penny2 - Well, he'd been going on and on about things like the false predictions of the end, the nonesense of God destroying 99.9/100 people on earth even though Russell started the Bible Students because he didn't feel this way in the first place (or something like that), the pedophile settlings (our donations at work), and how the organization effects the brains of people (CULT), among many other things. In the beginning, I just didn't listen to him. Gradually, I ignored not only him, but feelings of doubt that I had to deal with for about six months I think. This was very difficult, because he's my best friend and I basically tell him everything. Keeping secrets from him is not easy. On a side note, I remained friends with him while I was "in" and never ratted him out as an apostate, because I just thought that concept was so stupid. We care for each other, and the bonds of our friendship are stronger than that. On another side note, the "friends" at my congregation treated/treat me like an outcast, so he was all I had. It sickens me that I could have had beautiful friendships with others, but was forced to stay away from them simply because of their "worldly" label. How was I supposed to have a decent social life when all the witnesses I know are snobbish tools? Anyways, a little over a month ago, I admitted to myself that there's something wrong with blindly following this organization, and research is warranted. So I told him, and he's been helping me every step of the way.
....yeah, sorry for the long post :)
Samuel Thorsen - Yeah, it sure feels like it... -
WELCOME!!!! Enjoy your research and keep asking questions JWD is awesome and you will find accurate information on this board.
Welcome, you sound like a really smart girl. Good luck on your journey.
finally! good to see you buddy. karvel: 1. WTS: 6.7 mill.
It's nice to see you, too. Good thing you never gave up on me :D
Not sure what book it was, I believe it was around 1918 or so. Find the one in the hall library that has a pyramid on the first or second page. They believed that the pyramid's in Eygpt had something to do with God. Oh yeah, Russell also printed somewhere that Jehovah lived on some star and ruled from there. Freakin whack jobs !.
Welcome, you will see the light on this forum. Its called reality.