Oh, I think that was in Studies In The Scriptures. Yeah, I saw this thing:
Hello, I'm new...
by IcingHeart 51 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome to the forum IcingHeart, hopefully being here will help you feel less alone.
It's hard going at it alone when you're surrounded by family and friends who are told that apostates are of the devil and shouldn't be listened too
A big eye-opener is coming to realise how similar the WTS is to other religious groups. Most high control groups claim to have "the truth" and use fear to prevent members talking to ex members. When I was a teenager I used to ask Dad, "If Satan is able to blind the minds of the unbelievers in all other religions, isn't there a chance that it is me that is blinded?" I have since come to realise that these concepts are superstitions. Education is important in learning how to think logically instead of superstitiously, which includes evaluating facts gathered from numerous people with various points of view.
finally! good to see you buddy. karvel: 1. WTS: 6.7 mill.
It's nice to see you, too. Good thing you never gave up on me :D I'd like to dedicate this next song to you two. Welcome to JWD!
aww thanks for the dedication truthsearcher. that's my jam! lol.
Welcome Icing! You'll find lots of Gays and Atheists here, but no apostates. These folks don't even believe in the Bible or God, so you'll be safe here.
jwfacts - Yes, education is extremely important, so I've been doing a lot of research by seeking out older publications and finding information on the web. Specifically, your website has been a valuble asset to me. Thank you SO much for taking the time to make this wonderful resource
truthsearcher - Aw, how sweet! Thanks for dedicating that song
Hi, hang in there, hope you're ok.
oh and Welcome!
Ahhhhhha , Someone has had their feelings hurt somewhere on this board, but don't let that stop you from posting, There my be allot of gays, atheists, or whoever else this one doesn't agree with , but whoever you are, That's the beauty of free speech. There is no shortage though of fundamentalist who believe that invisible beings are watching every move they make. Believe what you will but don't play next to fire if you don't want to get burned. This is a board filled with bitter and angry people and that is OK ,Some believe in a God or Gods or sons of Gods or whatever. Some just believe in themselves, I recommend ,since you decided to come here start thinking for yourself and talk as much about what you want. Not everyone will agree with you, that's life. Praise or Persecute remember its FREE and will help your recovery.
Welcome, you will find this site to be a smorgusborg and you will need to be descriminating in what you read. Some here are very wounded by the society and still bitter, but over all you find the depth of the truth as you have never seen it before. There are some wonderful scholars here willing to do research on subjects for you. If you wish to "keep" your family containing the excitment of learning new truths..to yourself, is paramount, like listening to your freind for the last year, you will have to learn how to approach subjects with them very subtlely. Caution with your new sword, that you do not cut yourself.