Are a very UNIQUE people, wouldn't you say? No, we aren't trouble makers, we're just a a people that have a common BOND. Save for a minority of posters here, we have all endured trials and tribulations that only we can relate to. Granted, some of us may have involved ourselves in activities knowingly questionable to those that carried a power over us that were wrong. In our own consciences we had to deal with that on our own. We all make choices in life and some for certain reasons.
We have our own language, we have a like mind and spirit that unites us. We have come to the realization that we have been misled and lied to, duped is a better word for it. Under the guise of religion we acted in a manner that we thought was reasonable. We tried to abide by rules and regulations that were set forth in order to conform to a sense of sprituality.
We were taught for so long that the people of FALSE religion were ensnared by a falsehood conjured up by Satan himself. Little did we realize that we OURSELVES were enslaved to a publishing company acting under the guise of RELIGION, and TRUE religion at that. Shame on US! However, through OUR perceptive powers of reason and with the AID of others, we have overcome the shackles that bound us.
I, personally, am enjoying my new found freedom. Although I am not free to openly oppose the jw's locally, I embrace those who have that opportunity with in their own families. I am encouraged by the expressions of many on the board that share my like mind and spirit.
We all have many heartbreaking expierences , some that can only be expresssed in confidance for fear of being OUTED by the powers to be. But our hearts are with you all. ENCOURAGEMENT should be the opperative word here. Share it, be a part of it, reach out to others in their time off duress.
I want to thank those who have privately encouraged me and shared my pain by their expressions of concern.
Thank you