If you know anyone with all the old stuff or stuff that has in it all the LIES you see on places like here - it is a good idea to offer it to whoever is willing to preserve the proof against the WT that their own 'Divinity' is nothing of the sort!
Pity there isn't an action group collecting all such stuff and keeping it for reference till it becomes legal to scan and publish on the web so others can see it for what it is!
There was one ex JW whos relatives even had some of the early 1900s mobile cinemascope stuff - seems a good idea for anyone with time to check it out and post 'good bits' on you tube!
I agree getting rid is a relief and the weird thing was when my ex left (Her choice coz she was offered th e100% option for me to go)- she was very reluctant to take all the old WT volumes I had since 20yrs earlier - which confused me no end!
She was reluctant about countless things she would never ever explain to me - maybe some elder had told her WT new light no longer recognised some of those older copies I had aquired from antique book shops?
It is garbage but the garbage sometimes needs preserving to show to those not yet blinded on the road to the Watchtower wizard that they are on their way to a dump.