Demons & Invisible Forces

by Celtic 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • unclebruce

    Hey Billygoat,

    I sing out loud when I'm scared but have never thought of it as being witness related .. sometimes walking alone in the forest at night strange noises start to freak me out and if a large unseen animal starts crashing through the undergrowrth, i've been known to sing very loud. LOL. I'm getting used to kangaroos and wombats crashing, the occational deer bellowing and powerful owls (the worlds biggest) renting the air with bloodcurdling screams but every now and then things get real spooky so i pinch myself or open my mouth and let my belly rumble loud into the night ... trees make the strangest sounds of all. creaking, groaning and cracking like old men stretching. ;)

    unclebruce, phantom of the bush opera.

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    When I was in my late teens and early twenties, as a JW, I thought a demon lived in my underwear. I haven't been bothered by him that much since I've been married.

  • ianao

    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHAHAH HAHH HAHH HEH heh *hic*. Ohh... Need some water.

  • DannyBear

    Uncle SoupBellyUmgowwa,

    Lombfao on your ***now and then things get real spooky so i pinch myself or open my mouth and let my belly rumble loud into the night***

    Just to funny you ole jungle tamer. I would like to witness one of the those 'largest in the world' owls, sqreeching and winging it's way through the nite air. T and I have a little game of always trying to identify any raptor either by site or sound. They are such wonderfully interesting creatures. Even the more drab vultures can offer a considerable show.

    Oh yes the thingy's that woosh in the night. No loyal dub, especialy those indoctrinated from youth (me and you)could help a few 'goose bumps'when confronted with the possible appearance of a 'spirit'. Since we were so very sure of it's malevolent, hideous, intentions, eh? Sure has heck the WTBS have been responsible for messing up many a perfectly wonderful, dark night. The silly bastards are more full of superstitions than they will own up to.

    Walk softly bushman, I know you are licking those ole jw traits, one by one. I don't think I will ever stop...just like Billygoat the old tape recorder in the brain, just clicks on without permission.


  • Thomas Poole
    Thomas Poole

    Celtic said

    I believe in Christ but I am probably not your average Christian. Do you really have to use this as an opportunity to preach to us, if there is one thing we are all tired of here, it is ramming messages down peoples throats, it is neither the time nor the place?

    Celtic, I am thinking you still have a disproportiate fear of demons, as in your childhood. That fear is still residual; otherwise, you would not whense so about this subject. We need to get rid of that by learning about them. The best way is to learn who you are in Christ.

    Now you want me to be quiet. Satan also wants me to be quiet and also for you to be still fearful and irritated. Even if you never read what I wrote here, that memory and fear would still be there, right. So, knowledge gets rid of it, right. Please go get the "Bondage Breaker" by Neil Anderson.

    Also, have you thought of yourself as a Christian soldier and what that means. Do you know the battle against the demons is already won [at Jesus's death and resurrection], only you are still in their territory as long as you live on this earth, and especially as a Christian. You need to get rid of that fear by learning about spiritual armor, and its application of usage.

    A Christian is not a whimp that pretends that Satan does not exist, and neither does he go looking for demons. However, our duty is to preach the word in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and ANYONE doing this comes under the attention of the demons, and most have no idea about how they might be affected.

    I was a witness for 31 years. The scary-movie thought was a mere example of a dumb adult talking about the boogie man. It was not to explain the depth and trauma of a child's fear from that dumb talk.

    By the way. Do you know what your "gift" in Christ is? The Bible says to "not to be neglecting the gift in you." Think about it and how you can make application.

    I don't expect a person in heavy spiritual transistion in their life to capture this with a lot of fortitute; but HEY, we got a NEW DAY, right guys. DO YOU GUYS REALLY REALIZE HOW FREE YOU ARE? NO WT control, no DEMONIC CONTROL, but they are still in our craw!

    I just want to encourage you and temper it with mercy and my share my love for the Body Of Christ.

    In Christ,

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