Journey On and OnThe Way Out,
You guys hit it right. Thats exactly what will eventually happen.
The borg is so predictable.
by sir82 56 Replies latest jw friends
Journey On and OnThe Way Out,
You guys hit it right. Thats exactly what will eventually happen.
The borg is so predictable.
'Possession is 9/10ths of the law.' Society is probably PROTECTING THE ASSETS with this move. Again, follow the money.
Don't know if this info has been posted anywhere else, but there is a legal issue brewing in Canada in this regard at the present time - it concerns dissident Anglican parishioners leaving the church over the issue of same-sex marriages. The parishioners claim that their congregations are the church and they therefore have a right to the church, whereas the diocese's position is that the dissident parishioners have zero claim to the PROPERTY, because they are simply individuals breaking away from the 'church' and the two sides will soon be heading to Court. The congregations apparently voted to break away. The Society may be PRE-EMPTING any individual congregation's eventual decision to break away by holding as much of the available funds in their hot little hands. I'm sure the Society lawyers spend a lot of their time watching events unfolding in the rest of 'Christendom' and are taking their directive cues from what they see brewing all around them.
In the interests of worldwide enlightenment, I hope congregations breaking away are the next stage of Jehovah's chariot moving forward and not far off!
When I worked at BOA we had LOTS of local halls that banked with us none of them ever had any money of significance in their accounts. I helped do the money counting in avondale (why oh WHY didn't I ever help myself?!) and even though it was a fairly upper middle class hall we rarely got more than 40 bucks per meeting or so.
My...idiot m.i.l (sorry no other way to describe her) said that the society was encouraging everyone to move their money to the societies bank so that they can pool their resources. This is typical of how she interpretes such grand mana from heaven, but I know she was not the only one to come away with the wrong meaning.
Watch for yet another new corporation to be set up after all this has been set in place.
Remember, in 2000 / 2001 when all these side corporations were set up: Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, Religious Order of Jehovah's Witnesses, Kingdom Support Services.
Here's a link that lists more:
If I read this and by some miracle was still attending, they would not receive one red cent from me.
This is why the org does not want EDUCATED members nor independent THINKERS. They would never be able to pull the wool over their eyes.
Let me get this straight: Congregations send the Society money for the literature they order. Dubs are supposed to then get contributions for that literature and then ALSO send that to the Society. Then, out of donations, if any excess money is left over after expenses, the congregations are also supposed to send THAT money to the Society. When you live, you are encouraged to give all you can to the Society, but when you DIE, you are "encouraged" to give ALL your money and property to the Society. When you go to assemblies which are nothing more than a world wide promotion for the Society's books, you have to pay the Society to park your car in the lot even if the contract with the stadium FORBIDS it. You are required to have a name badge, which you must also pay for. Members of the congregations also pay the expenses of the local sales managers (also quaintly known as "Circuit Overseers").
In order to build a new Kingdom Hall a congregation must borrow money they've ALREADY given to the Society and pay interest on it. After decades when a loan is already paid off (with interest), the congregation is "encouraged" to donate the deed to the property to the society.
Literature is no longer sold but offered to publishers on a "donation" basis, so poorer publishers can give less so they can have something to eat besides old Watchtower magazines. But when the literature "donation" to the Society does not satisfy the Society, the Society sends a nasty letter to be read to the Congregation informing them to pay up, including how "short" they were on the amount.
But the Society does do charitable things with the money they get besides building monuments to their own glory like Paterson. For example, when there is a natural disaster in an area, they actually invest in paper and postage and take the time to write a letter to all congregations in the area to GIVE THEIR OWN MONEY to help the dubbie victims.
And when a dumb young dubbie in say, California decides to become a slave in one of the Society's sweatshops, he is lovingly told "pay your own way to get here, fool, and if you need money while you are here, ask your parents."
The Society also has a loving provision to help out people in the congregations who are destitute.
They tell these people to get government assistance or help from their relatives. If people can do neither, the Society lovingly informs the local elders that they MAY use congregation funds to help, but only if the starving dub has "a record of long and faithful service." (This is in the Proclaimers book). If the person has a record of short, but faithful service, he's screwed. If the person has a record of long, but not always "faithful" (whatever THAT means) service, he's screwed. If he does have a record of long and faithful service, the congregation MAY offer assistance. But dubs being the cheap bastards that they are, that person is probably screwed anyway.
Whice brings us to the latest loving provision from the Society: "let us make money off of your money before you need to give it to us, or even if you are going to use it for your own expenses."
Chuckie Russell said the Society would never ask for money and if they had to do that, it would mean Jehovah is no longer behind the Society.
Jehovah has left the building. In fact, Jehovah never was in the building.
This is all Bible-Based(tm).
Good post Farkel nice to hear from you !
Yes there is and always will be a business structure to the JWS
it maybe underlying and not very obvious to some but its definitely there, possibly its been over shadowed by all the spoken righteousness by the faith.
As I said before the proclamation that they were indeed God's visible force on earth was about the same time the printing presses were being bought in Brooklyn.
With those kinds of investments you don't want anything to flounder.