Am I allowed to post?
by kzjw 21 Replies latest jw friends
Only if you agree with the rules:
1. The moderators are always right. They give us "food at the proper time" and "meat in due season"
2. When in doubt, re-read #1.
One final rule. You must send a $20.00 check to everyone that replies to your post. In addition, you must invite all active members to your house for beer and pretzels.
You must send me a beer for every post you make. You already owe me 2.
Yes, and I'll even let you read all of my posts if you make me a ham sandwich.
Welcome KZJW.
I noticed your first post was an interesting letter on the end of another thread, so was missed by most people. It would be a good idea to start a new topic introducing youself and reposting that letter, you will then receive a lot more reponses.
Post away - Tell us about yourself. What's your journey?
Welcome to JWD!
You certainly are welcome to post. I enjoyed reading your synopsis on J. R. Brown's bovine excrement. Good luck in getting your wife out, and post freely. By freely, you dont have to pay anyone (but I take tips).
Welcome! We got us a convoy going here. So come on and join.
Post away - Tell us about yourself. What's your journey?
Miss Peaches!!! Where have you been? I have been wondering where you are.
Miss Peaches!!! Where have you been? I have been wondering where you are
I've been missing ya, too!!