Did you ever think that maybe even without the Bible or belief in Jesus being a historical person that just maybe some here would STILL believe in a God (higher power)?
For some of us, the evidence is all around us that he exists. We live in a universe that HAD a beginning, and that is according to science. The big bang while it explains what happened after the universe already began, does not explain what set things in motion. For me, "what" is God. Science also sees an intelligence behind the clock work type precision that the universe runs at. This intelligence to many is "God". Also while science can clone living things, they cannot create life from nothing. Again, for believers "who" or "what" did create from nothing is "God" or a higher power.
I believed in these truths well before ever learning about the existance of a Jesus Christ or knowing what the Bible was. You know, the Christian faith does not hinge on the Bible or its interpretation alone. We believe that is only the "written revelation" of God to man. But God reveals himself in man, in creation and by his spirit which indwells all true believers.
Just pointing these things out because unless you experience God, you cannot EVER understand why it is that we stick to our opinion that he does exist. And I want you to know that whether or not you and others like you totally debunk the bible, since our faith does not rest soley on that, there will still be believers in the world. Evidence of this is the early church who believed in God and Christ with NOT ONE written thing about him. So you see my friend by your fight against Christianity and the Bible, you are merely swimming up stream. Peace to you, Lilly