Something I noticed when I first started having responsibilities in the hall and even more so as MS was that during the song we were busy doing all kinds of things at the back of the hall or arranging mics on the platform. Prayer was a holdup for elders and MS, since they needed to stop doing what they were doing and act like they are sincerely praying. There were always complains about the brothers known for their long prayers lol.
I think worship doesnt really play a big part in a jw life. Its more about activities: FS, hours, meeting attendance, participation and placing litterateur. In fact, on a visit to bethel I felt strange to hear the term "morning worship"... it sounded so church-like!
Many jws and ex-jws (including myself) I talked to admit that they never really prayed and don't listen to the prayers spoken at the kh. Prayer was/is just a formality.
As a jw I had strong faith in jah, but felt like a hypocrite about this. A wt came out talking about "lip service". So I decided not pray everyday or before every meal, but only when I felt like it, thinking this may be more pleasing to jah. (this was not in line with the wt) Sometimes many weeks would go by without praying, which I thought wasn't good, yet better then pretending. I mainly prayed when I felt troubled about something, usually it was unfair situations in the congregation.