Not really, I kill off alot of threads or my sarcastic comments go unnoticed forcing me to cry myself to sleep many nights
Do YOU Believe You Contribute Much To This Board?
by minimus 67 Replies latest jw friends
AK - Jeff
No , not much I suppose. Often my postings get ignored, but I feel better anyway.
Did I ever tell you that I love you?
No I do not,
I would like to post more topics on things I have been thinking of but I do not want to step on toes or repeat something someone has already said
so this I find difficult.
I like to comment to encourage others with kindness and concern, and hopefully contribute something meaningful to brighten another's day.
And if I don't please give me a kick in the butt!
The worth of my contribution is not in my mind but in what others take from it. Therefore, there is no way for me to judge what my contribution is. I would like to believe that what little I contribute has value but I'll never know until someone else lets me know.
Did I ever tell you that I love you?
Not often enough! I pray you don't raise your standards to the point you stop :)
Naw...start very few topics and post little to any thread...I'd be more effective in person...not much of a writer you enjoy JWD though...
Naw...start very few topics and post little to any thread...I'd be more effective in person...not much of a writer you enjoy JWD though...
Hey Quentin,
I could give you "nasty" lessons and you'd be the center of attention soon enough
Your comments are always thoughtful.
That's the problem with being merely intelligent, lucid and wise: it raises no response by way of response.
The thorny folk garner more rebuttal from the "reply" button.
Interesting synopsis Terry, but I cant say I've seen the 'fraud' type in any of my interactions save trolls who pose under false avatars for seemingly no reason other than to plot some charade of theirs!
Those who question and are unafraid so do so in any matters I tend to relate to because they are past ego and pride and ettiquette! True , they will appear to some as heathen calibre but WT spit and polsi is no place for them ay longer whilst others look on frowning at the mud on their boots!
And I remind myself of a telephone conversation I had recently where no end of explanation could take out of the others mind the flwed impressions given by the earlier dialogue - both minds were on one path and the conversation went off-road and into all maneer of attempted unsuccessful turnarounds!
Only face to face dissolved the majority of the misnomas but it's a fact that with certain thinkers you know conversation is best kept to a minimum - they just have a network in mind that is not your own!
There are lovely people on these boards and elsewhere! But many have all manner of view and value in all varieties of shades!
One board I was on over a year ago was relentless in questioning and doubting every point I made to a point of craziness! I'm not sure if it was a reverse JW psychotactic but despite the arguments being utter garbage for the most part, a grain of something took hold in me. I started to see that any theories, hitting you long and hard enough, will mould your feeling to have some degree of sympathy and understanding. Ones which months before you would instantly dismiss are now pondered slightly for meaning and amazingly subliminal understanding!
Subliminal is powerful and will effect changes without the intent of the receiver! .
So I fail to be able to judge any as 'frauds' except those who post 'trials' and view 'responses' as if by some thicko experiment they are able to decipher ones heart condition without ever revealing a cents worth of what their thought, motive and intent is!
Anyone who will dialogue with you as an equal is usually genuine! Most have the virus of opinion! A human trait which I see in many who cannot fail to compartmentalise individuals at the drop of a hat without ever putting their brains past first gear or in reverse!
I see JWD as what it is - a bunch of posters of whom maybe a few are like minds. Having met none I feel aware that all my perceptions are likely flawed ones and so I hold onto that as my standard!