Not so much anymore. Back a few years ago, I did a little bit.
Do YOU Believe You Contribute Much To This Board?
by minimus 67 Replies latest jw friends
I feel and KNOW that I have a lot to contribute here. If what I relate of my life can give just ONE person solace, I have done my best..
I thought I was entertaining myself. Now you make it sound like work.
Tired of the Hypocrisy
I contribute where I see something interesting and if I am able to. I have three classes this term and no time for much else. As far as the MUCH part, nah. I am not that deep a thinker, or perceptive.
Barbie Doll
I may not be needed on the board, but it is a life saver for me.
It helps me too. I've learned so much from everybody and I Thank You. It is healthy to laugh, and you guys make me laugh.
JEFF--------------I don't ignored you, you ignored me. Look on your (Is Customer Service \ common Courtesy a dinosaur?)
Hope4Others---------You are a sweet person, I would not want to kick you in the butt!
Some posters seem very clever and knowledgeable and I don't think I am like that, but I try to be encouraging and give advice from my own experiences.
I get back way more than what I give here.
I'm the thread killer. if I post, the thread is doomed. Hope I don't doom this thread.
I think just about everyone on the board contributes more than they even realize sometimes. Lilly
well, I post a lot. Doesn't mean I actually contribute anything. I'm with jaguarbass - I am just entertaining myself. Terry, I think there are more than four categories of folks posting here. For instance, there are the preachers who think the rest of us really want to know how they figured out the exact date of armageddon or whether Judas was at the last supper, or or or... And there are the fluffmasters who keep us entertained. And there are some damn funny folks, and some passionate folks who want to bring down the WT, and so on. Lots of kinds of people. And some folks are social, not because they need to replace the JW network, but because they are just social naturally. Me, I'm just a crabby middle-aged woman who calls herself a crabby old lady.