Comments You Will Not Hear at the 03-23-08 WT Study (February 15, 2008 WT, pages 3-7)(CONSTANTLY)Review comments will be in red and in parenthesesWT material from today's WT will be in black
Quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxes
w = Watchtower
g = Awake
Bible translations
WT child abuse
Blood issue
United Nations
"I have placed Jehovah in front of me constantly."--Ps. 16:8
Opening Comments
Not wanting to compete with V's excellent WT Comments, I will be posting the text portion of the study articles whenever they are not posted in his series. I already comment on V's work so this will just be a continuation of that, my own personal view, which has been enhanced by the new "conductors" of the study articles elsewhere.
This week's is an OT based article, complete with OT scripture, examples (except for Simeon and Anna who were Jews not Christians in the NT) from the OT, all so the focus is on God "Jehovah" and Jesus disappears or is de-emphasized---Where's Jesus? Is the point to make the jw or rank and file keep God before them or is it really the WTS organization, GB/FDS, that the rank and file is required to have a relationship with to even have a relationship with God and Jesus. Is Jesus the one we should go through or the WTS?
(Q1)What effect can Bible narratives have on us?
JEHOVAH'S written Word contains a splendid record of God's dealings with mankind. It mentions many people who have figured in the outworking of God's purpose. Of course, their words and deeds are not included in the Bible as mere stories for our enjoyment. Instead, such accounts can draw us closer to God. Jas. 4:8.
Interestingly, the WTS adds to the Bible when developing the script for their Bible "dramas" at the annual district convention. How many have noticed that characters and words are used that never appear in the Bible. Here is where the WTS method of "evidently," "apparently," "seemingly" is used. How many of the rank and file even read the cited scriptures given for the dramas and notice that words are added to the Bible, put into the mouths of people that were never mentioned in the Bible? Do they provide scriptures to be pre-read any more?
(Q2, 3) How are we to understand the words of Psalm 16:8?
2 All of us can learn much from the experiences of well known Bible characters. Abraham, Sarah, Moses, Ruth, David, Esther, the apostle Paul, and others. However, accounts about less prominent individuals can also benefit us. Meditating on Bible narratives can help us to act in harmony with the psalmist's words: "I have placed Jehovah in front of me constantly. Because he is at my right hand, I shall not be made to totter." (Ps. 16:8) How are we to understand these words?
Sarah...Ruth...Esther--In days past, the WTS rarely mentioned female worshippers of God. This is an improvement, but notice that all of then are from the OT. How does a jw woman learn how to be a Christian from such examples though. Do they learn that they can marry unbelievers as Esther and Ruth's husband did? Do they learn that Sarah lacked faith in God's promise to provide an heir and had her husband have sex with Sarah's maidservant? Or do they learn that Abraham lied and said that Sarah was his sister to avoid being killed, lacking faith in God's ability to protect him? Or David and his adulterous and murderous ways, disobeying God in performing a census and then picking a punishment that killed 70,000 people and he kept living?
3 A soldier usually wielded his sword with his right hand, leaving that side unprotected by the shield held in his left hand. Yet, he was protected if a friend fought him on his right. If we keep Jehovah in mind and do his will, he will protect us. So let us see how, considering Bible accounts can strengthen our faith so that we "keep Jehovah always before [us]."Byington. (a Bible translation owned by the WTS that uses "Jehovah" in the OT extensively, but not in the NT)
*** si p. 323 par. 15 Study Number 7—The Bible in Modern Times ***
The Bible in Living English. In 1972 the Watch Tower Society produced The Bible in Living English, by the late Steven T. Byington. It consistently renders the divine name as “Jehovah.”
*** g72 10/22 p. 20 Assemblies That Acclaim “Divine Rulership” ***
Also released was a new Bible translation—The Bible in Living English—by Steven T. Byington. Byington, who died in 1957, was not one of Jehovah’s witnesses.
If we keep Jehovah in mind and do his will (do the WTS will really), he will protect us.
Does that mean that jws won't die? Does he protect some and not others then?
*** g94 2/22 p. 20 Protected by Faith in God ***
We spent the rest of the day late into the evening getting reacquainted and recalling how Jehovah God had protected us during our imprisonment.
*Did all jws survive in the concentration camps--no, so how were they protected?
Jehovah Answers Our Prayers
(Q4) Give a Scriptural example showing that God answers prayers.
4 If we keep Jehovah before us, he will answer our prayers. (Ps. 65:2; 66:19) We have proof of this in the case of Abraham's oldest servant, likely Eliezer. Abraham sent him to Mesopotamia to obtain a God-fearing wife for Isaac. Eliezer prayed for divine guidance and recognized it as such when Rebekah watered his camels. Because he was prayerful, Eliezer found the one who became Isaac's beloved wife. (Gen. 24:12-14, 67) True, Abraham's servant was on a special mission. But should we not be just as confident that Jehovah hears our prayers?
Don't some jws think that every good thing they receive is an answer to a prayer to God? Why then do some jws not get the same type of answer, such as a new car, relief from illness, money in the mail at the appropriate time, etc.?
Eliezer was searching for a wife for the miraculous heir promised to Abraham by God, the one that all humans would be blessed through. Are the prayers of many jws of the same substance? Do all get the answer? Why are some jws murdered and others survive attacks? Does it mean that God wanted some to survive and others to die or is it just unforeseen circumstance?
*** w88 3/15 p. 7 Prayers That Are Answered ***
One of Jehovah’s Witnesses was reading The Watchtower in his car when someone suddenly grabbed him around the neck. He prayed fervently to Jehovah God. The attacker became motionless, and his grip slackened. The Witness started up the car, bade the man farewell, and left him standing like a statue in the middle of the road.
(Q5) Why can we say that even a brief, silent prayer to Jehovah can be effective?
5 At times, we may need to pray quickly for God's help. On one occasion, Persian King Artaxerxes noticed that his cupbearer Nehemiah was gloomy. "What is this that you are seeking to secure?" asked the king. "At once [Nehemiah] prayed to the God of the heavens." Nehemiah could not linger in that apparently silent prayer. Yet, God answered it, for Nehemiah was given the king's support to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. (Read Nehemiah 2:1-8.) Yes, even a brief, silent prayer can be effective.
Then why are the prayers at the end of the district convention so long and consist of a review of the program, as if God needs a reminder?
(Q6,7) (a) As regards prayer, what example did Epaphras set? (b) Why should we pray in behalf of others?
6 We are urged to "pray for one another, even though we do not always get immediate proof that such prayers are being answered. (Jas. 5:16)
Epaphras, "a faithful minister of the Christ, prayed earnestly for those related to him in the faith. Writing from Rome, Paul said: "Epaphras, who is from among you [Colossians], a slave of Christ Jesus, sends you his greetings, always exerting himself in your behalf in his prayers, that you may finally stand complete and with firm conviction in all the will of God. I indeed bear him witness that he puts himself to great effort in behalf of you and of those at Laodicea and of those at Hierapolis."-Col.l:7; 4:12,13.
Think of the gossipy jws at your hall. Do you imagine they are praying for you; probably that you see your sins and come to your senses? Are the rank and file encouraged to 'exert themselves' in the behalf of other jws or to spend their time talking to non-jws? Do they call when you are ill, offer to get your medications, clean your house, help fix your car when funds are tight, give you a hug or a handshake? A few jws do but is it the norm?
7 Colossae, Laodicea, and Hierapolis were cities in the same area of Asia Minor. Christians at Hierapolis lived among worshippers of the goddess Cybele, materialism threatened those in Laodicea, and the Colossians were endangered by human philosophy. (Col. 2:8) No wonder Epaphras, who was from Colossae, 'exerted himself in prayers' for believers in that city! The Bible does not disclose how the prayers of Epaphras were answered, but he did not stop praying for fellow believers; neither should we. Although we are not 'busybodies in other people's matters,' perhaps we know that a family member or a friend is experiencing a severe test of faith. (1 Pet. 4:15) How appropriate it would be to pray privately in his behalf! Paul was helped by the supplications of others, and our prayers can likewise do much good. -2 Cor. 1:10, 11.
Is it materialism that threatens jws or is it lack of practical love? Is it the human philosophy outside the congregation that is a danger, or the speculations and "wisdom" of the WTS/FDS/GB? jws are busybodies in the lives of other is the meat of their daily conversations. How best to feel better about oneself than to tear down others. If someone is suffering financially, what practical good is a private prayer? Will God miraculous provide money or is it the one praying that is the answer to the prayer?
(Q8) (a) How do we know that the elders from Ephesus appreciated the importance of prayer? (b) What should be our attitude regarding prayer to God?
8 Do others look upon us as men and women of prayer? After Paul met with the elders from Ephesusj "he kneeled down with all of them and prayed." Then quite a bit of weeping broke out among them all, and they fell upon Paul's neck and tenderly kissed him, because they were especially pained at the word he had spoken that they were going to behold his face no more." (Acts 20:36-38) We do not know the names of all those elders, but it is evident that they appreciated the importance of prayer. Surely we ought to cherish the privilege of praying to God and should 'lift up loyal hands' in faith that our heavenly Father will answer us.-l Tim. 2:8.
How often do jws pray: at meetings, listening and giving a weak amen, on the rare study with a non-jw, when they need or want something?
How often are prayers for individuals given at the KH? Perhaps for some prominent jw, like the GB, but for Sister Elderly who rarely gets to the KH?
Obey God Completely
(Q9, 10) (a) What example was set by the daughters of Zelophehad? (b) How might the obedience of Zelophehad's daughters affect a single Christian's view of marriage?
9 Keeping Jehovah in mind constantly will help us to obey him, and we will reap blessings as a consequence. (Deut. 28:13; 1 Sam. 15:22) This calls for an obedient spirit. Consider the attitude of five fleshly sisters, the daughters of Zelophehad, who lived in Moses' day. Among the Israelites, sons customarily received the inheritance from their fathers. The man Zelophehad died without sons, and Jehovah directed that these five women were to receive the entire inheritance-on one condition. They had to marry sons of Manasseh so that the inherited property would remain with the same tribe.-Num. 27:.1-8; 36: 6-8.
OT--"obedient spirit" is the dominant attitude stressed here. Marry whom your religious group demands.
10 Zelophehad's daughters had faith that things would work out well if they obeyed God. "Just as Jehovah had commanded Moses, that is the way the daughters of Zelophehad did," says the Bible. "Accordingly Mahlah, Tirzah and Hoglah and Milcah and Noah, the daughters of Zelophehad, became the wives of the sons of their father's brothers. To some of the families of the sons of Manasseh the son of Joseph they became wives, that their inheritance might continue together with the tribe of the family of their father." (Num. 36:10-12) Those obedient women did what Jehovah commanded. (Josh. 17:3, 4) With similar faith, spiritually mature unmarried Christians obey God by marrying "only in the Lord."-1 Cor. 7:39.
Christians--only jws
"obedient women did what Jehovah commanded"
"things would work out well if they obeyed God"--things would work out well if they obeyed the WTS?
Were Israelites forbidden to marry non-Israelites?
(Deuteronomy 21:10-13) 10 “In case you go out to the battle against your enemies and Jehovah your God has given them into your hand and you have carried them away captive; 11 and you have seen among the captives a woman beautiful in form, and you have got attached to her and taken her for your wife, 12 you must then bring her into the midst of your house. She must now shave her head and attend to her nails, 13 and remove the mantle of her captivity from off her and dwell in your house and weep for her father and her mother a whole lunar month; and after that you should have relations with her, and you must take possession of her as your bride, and she must become your wife.
(Q11, 12) How did Caleb show that he had confidence in God?
11 We need to obey Jehovah completely, as the Israelite Caleb did. (Deut. 1:36) After Israel's deliverance from Egypt in the 16th century B.C.E., Moses sent 12 men to spy out Canaan, but only 2 of the spies--Caleb and Joshua--urged the people to have full trust in God and enter the land. (Num. 14:6-9) Some four decades later, Joshua and Caleb were still alive and following Jehovah fully, and God used Joshua to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. However, the ten faithless spies evidently died during Israel's 40-year trek in the wilderness.-Num.14:31-34.
"we need to obey Jehovah completely...following Jehovah fully" or following the WTS?
"evidently"--the Bible doesn't say
12 As an elderly survivor of Israel's experience in the wilderness, Caleb could stand before Joshua and say: "I followed Jehovah my God fully."(Read Joshua 14:6-9.) Eighty-five-year-old Caleb asked that he be given the mountainous region that God had promised him, although it is inhabited by enemies in their great fortified cities.-Josh. 14:10-15.
"I followed Jehovah my God fully"--translation: Follow the WTS fully.
(Q13) Despite our trials, we will be blessed if we do what?
13 Like faithful and obedient Caleb, we will have divine support if we 'follow Jehovah fully.' If we face great obstacles, we will be blessed as we 'follow Jehovah fully.' But doing so throughout life, as Caleb did, can be a challenge. Although King Solomon started out very well, his wives inclined his heart to serve false gods in his old age, and he did not follow Jehovah fully like David his father." (1 Ki. 11:4-6) Regardless of the trials we must face, may we always obey God completely and keep him before us constantly.
"We will have divine support if we 'follow Jehovah fully'"--translation--if we aren't following the WTS, God won't support us...we won't be
blessed..."always obey God completely."
Notice how the WTS blames Solomon's wives for his choices as if he was not a man able to make his own choices, just like Caleb and Joshua.
At one time the WTS taught that Solomon died an apostate and would not have a resurrection. Here is new light based on an infamous 1965 WT period where the WTS made several statements about the resurrection possibilities of individuals and groups.
*** w65 8/15 p. 511 Questions From Readers ***
Considering what is said at 1 Chronicles 28:9, how can it be said that Solomon will be resurrected?—B.M., U.S.A.
In order to determine what the Bible indicates about the possibility of a resurrection for Solomon, it is helpful to compare what is said about him with what the Scriptures say happened at death to certain other men who lived before Christ.Abraham, Moses and David pleased Jehovah. Consequently, they were listed as men of faith who believed in and will receive a resurrection. (Heb. 11:17-19, 23-28, 32-35, 39, 40) This means that at death they went to Sheol or Ha'des, the common earthly grave of mankind, since it is from there that the dead are resurrected. (Rev. 20:13) We have no reason to doubt Jehovah’s determination in their regard. Interestingly, the Bible used similar expressions in explaining what happened to all these men when they died. Abraham, upon his death, went “to [his] forefathers in peace.” (Gen. 15:15) At death Moses ‘lay down with his forefathers.’ (Deut. 31:16) And David is spoken of as being “with his forefathers and . . . buried in the city of David.”—1 Ki. 2:10; Acts 13:36.
So all three men, Abraham, Moses and David, pleased God, went to Sheol, and are mentioned as being buried with or gathered to their forefathers. The use of the similar expression ‘buried with his forefathers’ could not mean that they all shared the same grave, since these men were not buried at the same place. In fact, Jehovah buried Moses, and “nobody has come to know his grave down to this day.”—Deut. 34:5, 6.Jehovah also included in the inspired record the statement that at death Solomon “lay down [slept, AV, AS, RS] with his forefathers.” (1 Ki. 11:43; 2 Chron. 9:31) So, using the Bible’s parallelism, we can reasonably conclude that Solomon, along with his forefathers Abraham, Moses and David, is in Sheol or Ha'des, from which he will be resurrected. Although some may feel that, in view of Solomon’s great wisdom, he was fully accountable when he turned to false worship, all the factors are known by Jehovah, a God of perfect justice and mercy, and this seems to be his decision on the matter.
Before David died he had admonished Solomon: “If you search for [Jehovah], he will let himself be found by you; but if you leave him, he will cast you off forever.” (1 Chron. 28:9) In view of what has already been established, what can we conclude that David here meant? It appears that David had reference to this present life and did not have in mind the matter of whether Solomon would have a resurrection or not if he fell away from true worship. If Solomon, as king of Israel, left Jehovah, God would reject him or cast him off. That is what happened. (1 Ki. 11:9-13) Nonetheless, the Scriptures indicate that Solomon apparently will receive a resurrection.—John 5:28, 29; Matt. 6:29; 12:42; Acts 7:47.Of course, the Bible does not make a definite statement on the resurrection possibilities of each and every person it names. But if we individually prove our own integrity to God now, it will be our privilege to be on hand when the resurrection occurs or to be among those raised from the dead. Then we will know definitely which individuals have been favored by God with a resurrection.
Always Trust in Jehovah
(Q14, 15) From Naomi's experiences, what have you learned about the need to trust in God?
14 We need to trust in God especially when we are depressed because our future seems bleak. Consider elderly Naomi, who lost her husband and her two sons to the enemy death. When she returned to Judah from Moab, she lamented: "Do not call me Naomi ["My Pleasantness,"ftn.]. Call me Mara ["Bitter," ftn.], for the Almighty has made it very bitter for me. I was full when I went, and it is empty-handed that Jehovah has made me return. Why should you call me Naomi, when it is Jehovah that has humiliated me and the Almighty that has caused me calamity?”--Ruth 1:20,21.
"Trust in God especially when we are depressed" because there will be no one at the KH. The individual will be made to feel that it is something
they are doing or not doing that is causing them to be depressed, that they are the problem.
I'm surprised that Naomi wasn't told it was her fault that they left Israel to live in pagan Moab and that her sons had married non-Israelite women all because of wanting to improve their business opportunities.
15. Although Naomi was distressed, a careful reading of the book of Ruth shows that she kept on trusting in Jehovah. And how things changed for her! Naomi's widowed daughter-in-law Ruth became the wife of Boaz and gave birth to a son. Naomi became the child's nurse, and the account says: "The neighbor ladies gave it a name, saying: 'A son has been born to Naomi.' And they began to call his name Obed. He is the father of Jesse, David's father." (Ruth 4:14-17) When Naomi is resurrected to life on earth, she will learn that Ruth, who will also be there, became an ancestress of Jesus, the Messiah. (Matt. 1:5, 6, 16) Like Naomi, we cannot be sure of how negative situations will turn out. Therefore, let us always trust in God, just as we are admonished at Proverbs 3:5, 6: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight.”
And who did Naomi have support from, other Israelite women, or a pagan Moabite woman? See, Israelites could marry non-Israelite, Boaz married Ruth.
Where's Jesus in all of this? No trusting in Christ?
Rely on Holy Spirit
(Q16) How did God's holy spirit help certain older men in ancient Israel?
16 If we keep Jehovah before us constantly, he will lead us by his holy spirit. (Gal.5:16-18) God's spirit was upon the 70 older men chosen to help Moses in "carrying the load of the people" of Israel. Only Eldad and Medad are named, but the spirit enabled all of them to carry out their duties. (Num. 11: 13-29) Undoubtedly, they were capable, God-fearing, trustworthy, and honest like those chosen earlier. (Ex. 18:21) Such qualities are displayed by Christian elders today.
"lead us by his holy spirit"
Which only comes through the WTS supposedly.
*** w61 11/15 p. 692 par. 14 Publishing the “Word of Life” in a Dying World ***
Can the Bible be understood and harmonized by the individual reader by himself? God gave the Bible, not to an individual, but to a nation, first the Hebrew nation, and then to what Peter calls God’s “holy nation,” which is the “Israel of God,” whose circumcision is not in the flesh but in the heart. It is thus an organization Book. It can be understood only in company with God’s true visible organization, the one filled with his holy spirit.—1 Pet. 2:9; Gal. 6:12-16.
If elders are selected through holy spirit, how does that explain the pedophile elders and ministerial servants that have been uncovered in the WTS?
(Q17) Jehovah's holy spirit had what role in the construction of the tabernacle?
17 Jehovah's holy spirit played an important role in the construction of the tabernacle in the wilderness. Jehovah appointed Bezalel as the principal artisan and builder of the tabernacle, promising to "fill him with the spirit of God in wisdom and in understanding and in knowledge and in every kind of craftsmanship." (Ex. 31:3-5) Men "wise of heart" worked with Bezalel and his assistant Oholiab in carrying out that wonderful assignment. Moreover, Jehovah's spirit moved willinghearted people to make generous contributions. (Ex. 31:6; 35:5, 30-34) That same spirit motivates God's present-day servants to do all they can to promote Kingdom interests. (Matt. 6:33) We may have certain abilities, but we led to pray for holy spirit and let it lead us if we are to accomplish the work Jehovah has given his people in our day.-Luke 11:13.
Does God drop knowledge into the brain of certain jws? Or do they have to read and study?
And just to remind again that the WTS has a slow cash flow--"moved willinghearted people to make generous contributions" and congregations if the new procedure to bank savings with the WTS is an indication. Evidently "God's present-day servants (only jws" aren't doing all they can to promote Kingdom interests monetarily.
Always Revere Jehovah of Armies
(Q18, 19) (a) What kind of attitude does God's holy spirit produce within us? (b) What have you learned from the examples of Simeon and Anna?
18 The holy spirit produces within us a reverent attitude that keeps Jehovah before us constantly. God's ancient people were told: "Jehovah of Armies you are to revere as holy." (Isa. 8:13, Byington) Two reverent elderly persons in first-century Jerusalem were Simeon and Anna. (Read Luke 2:25-38.) Simeon put faith in the Messianic prophecies and was "waiting for Israel's consolation." God poured out holy spirit upon Simeon and assured him that he would live to see the Messiah. And that is what happened. One day in the year 2 B.C.E., Jesus was brought to the temple by Mary and Joseph, the infant's mother and adoptive father. Moved by holy spirit, Simeon uttered prophetic words about the Messiah and foretold sorrow for Mary, who experienced grief when Jesus was impaled on a torture stake. But imagine the great joy Simeon experienced when he took into his arms "the Christ of Jehovah"! And what a fine example of reverence Simeon set for God's servants today!
"reverent attitude"--reverence towards God, Jesus or the WTS?
Simeon and Anna are not Christians. While living to see the Messiah, they died before Jesus, and by WTS policy will not be in heaven with Christ.
19 The reverent 84-year-old widow Anna "was never missing from the temple." She rendered sacred service to Jehovah night and day "with fastings and supplications." Anna too was present when the babe Jesus was brought to the temple. How grateful she was to see the future Messiah! Indeed, she “began returning thanks to God and speaking about the child to all those waiting for Jerusalem's deliverance." Anna just had to share this good news with others! Like Simeon and Anna, elderly Christians today are very glad that people are never too old to serve Jehovah as his Witnesses.
So should jws be at the KH night and day? Elderly Christians (only jws) may be too old for anyone at the KH to care to visit them. A recent article in the WT shows that elders and rank and file have little time for such visits. In the congregations I attended, one or two sisters took on this task,
mostly unseen and unthanked except by these older people.
(Q20) Regardless of our age, what do we need to do, and why?
20 Regardless of our age, we need to keep Jehovah before us constantly. Then he will bless our humble efforts to tell others about his kingship and his wonderful works. (Ps. 71:17,18; 145:10-13) If we are to honor Jehovah, however, we must display godly qualities. What can we learn about such traits by examining further Bible accounts?
Keep God or the WTS before us constantly? Where's Jesus in this account meant for Christians?
How Would You Answer?
1. How do we know that Jehovah hears prayers?
2. Why should we obey God completely?
3. Even if we are depressed, why should we always trust in Jehovah?
4. How does God’s holy spirit help his spirit?
Concluding Comments
It is amazing how little Jesus is mentioned considering the big event on Saturday for jws--the Memorial. Once again I come away thinking I am an Israelite, not a Christian. Of course, spiritual Israelites will be the big topic on Saturday, but sadly, 99% of the attendees will be told that none of them are spiritual Israelites.
Next week is "Walk in Jehovah's Ways." I wonder what happened to 1 Peter 2:21; whose steps are we to follow closely?
(1 Peter 2:21) 21 In fact, to this [course] YOU were called, because even Christ suffered for YOU, leaving YOU a model for YOU to follow his steps closely.
(Matthew 16:24) 24 Then Jesus said to his disciples: “If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself and pick up his torture stake and continually follow me.
(John 13:15) 15 For I set the pattern for YOU, that, just as I did to YOU, YOU should do also.
Love Blondie