Blondies Comments You Will Not Hear at the 3-23-08 WT Study (Constantly)

by blondie 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • smiddy

    jw`s will be blessed if they pray & do what the wts says eh? with all the preaching & publishing of literature over the last 100+ years,how come 78 countries have less than 3% increase,30 countries have negative growth / and compared with the mormons who dont do anything like the amount of witnessing jw`s do their are over 6 million mormons in the USA alone .Jehovah must be pouring out his blessing on them.As for experiences give me a break!!

  • blondie

    Greetings, snowbird, yes the pattern of de-emphasizing Jesus is what made me take a closer look at an organization claiming to be the only true Christian religion. Nice addition.

    Hi Gopher, imagine if a jw peppered an elder with requests. I doubt that they would be a quicker response, probably the opposite. The Bible says that many prayers and words is no guarantee of a response from God.

    (Matthew 6:7-8) 7 But when praying, do not say the same things over and over again, just as the people of the nations do, for they imagine they will get a hearing for their use of many words. 8 So, do not make yourselves like them, for God YOUR Father knows what things YOU are needing before ever YOU ask him.

    Minimus, you are so funny.

    Thanks, NewYork. I have seen improvement. No total cure is possible but things are balanced out.

    Randy, that is high praise indeed, thanks.

    Hey Rules, and doesn't the WTS say that preaching does not make up for sins such as adultery, and lack of love?

    Thanks for the encouragement, caliber. I'm just glad I'm feeling better, have some support with the scan, and that I still have something to contribute.

    cognac, let us know if you are able to share some "new" thoughts successfully.

    Thanks, V.

    Thanks, Blueblades. I have actually met fading jws who printed off my comments to take to the meeting. Some are now totally out. One encouraged me to try in a small way again. We all have so much to share.

    Good point, jgnat,

    These were talented men in their own right, who were encouraged to use thier gifts.

    Welcome, smiddy. Yes, the WTS would like to think they are the only ones printing and preaching. jws are so surprised to find out the work that Mormons, Baptists, Pentacostals, Bible Students, etc., are doing. And more besides with homeless shelters, food banks, etc.

    Love, Blondie

  • Layla33
    If I ever read a Watchtower study article that encourages readers to spend leisure time with their children and families, help their neighbors, or to rest and relax for good health, I'll eat a vinyl butt cushion off a Kingdom Hall chair.

    Okay, that really cracked me up. LOL!!!!

  • heathen

    Yah that garybus comment got me laughing too , I'll bet somebody is searching for an article just so they can watch him eat the vinyl seat cover . LMAO Most articles about kids are about how to control their fears and make sure they love the organization by beating the hell out of them during meetings.Leisure is the devils temptress,so be sure you are always reading a WT magazine or attending a meeting in your spare time.

  • chickpea

    when i read the "other comments" and see how clearly loaded the language is, and see the postulations unravelled with relative ease.... i wonder how it escaped me for the length of time it did!!

    then i realize..... it was the busy work! >>>>>>>> meetings4 kidsatmeetingsFSstudywith4kidsdressclothesbookbagsmealsmeetingsFSreallifeissuesstudytalks and on and on to the point of distraction.... and that was the point, wasnt it? keep all the balls in the air and no one has time to shift focus to the spew printed on the pages......

    merci mme blondie, for capturing my focus

  • Jeffro
    Then why are the prayers at the end of the district convention so long and consist of a review of the program, as if God needs a reminder?

    You've hit the nail on the head here (as usual). The tedious prayers at conventions, like the prayers at the end of the meetings, aren't really a prayer to god so much as a review of the meeting to drum into the heads of the victimsaudience. More 'programming'.

    Always enjoy your reviews.

  • blondie

    Layla and heathen, you might enjoy Gary's other humorous writings:

    Very graphic, chickpea, but so true

    keep all the balls in the air and no one has time to shift focus to the spew printed on the pages......

    Hi, Jeffro

    really a prayer to god so much as a review of the meeting to drum into the heads of the victimsaudience.

    I realized that when I was a kid, but I was afraid to say it.

    Love, Blondie

  • bobld

    Thanks Blondie,I enjoyed your review.Let's see:obey,be obedient,give money to wbts.I can see all slaves will have stiff necks from nodding.

    Q, What is bank saving with wt?


  • studier

    I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate a text version of 'Comments' . THANK YOU... your time and effort is GREATLY appreciated.

  • blondie

    Thanks, bob. The WTS tends to be frugal, especially not spending money on needy jws and steering them to the wild beast for help.

    Hi, studier. Thanks to Mary who helps with the scan and that I can keep it up. It helps to know what "plans" the WTS is making and how it affects our jw family and "friends."

    Love, Blondie

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