Scariest Movie you have ever seen?

by Layla33 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
  • unshackled

    Just passed 666 posts...

    So thought I'd bump this thread. As undercover said, movies don't really "scare" me anymore.
    But some of these ones spooked me...

    - The Shining
    - Blair Witch Project
    - Event Horizon

    MOre recently The Descent was freaky...too gory...but was well done.

  • MrFreeze

    Session 9 and Jacob's Ladder had some creepy moments. I hate scary movies that rely on shock horror instead of psychological horror. When a scary movie can combine both, its a great movie. For instance, take the Jason movies. Nothing scary about those to me. So you jumped out from behind the curtains, that doesn't induce terror. Compare that with The Descent. Yes, it had its share of shock terror but it also created a nice psychological meld to it as well. The low lighting, the claustrophobia. It can play with your head. Thats why movies like The Shining are so great. They induce more fear than any crappy slasher flick ever will.

  • unshackled

    Well said Freeze. Never have liked the shock terror ones...the Scream movies for instance. Rubbish. The ones that get in your head are the best. I'd say The Shining, Seven and Silence of the Lambs are my favorite psychological ones.

  • C6H12O6

    Ones that I couldn't watch all the way through in one sitting:

    • Shutter (the Thai version in 2004)
    • Poltergeist (1982)

    Ones that made me look away from the screen:

    • I am Legend (2007)
    • Cube (1999)
    • Suffocation (2005)

    Ones that made me cringe or uncomfortable:

    • A Tale of Two Sisters (2003)
    • Dumplings (2004)
    • "Blink" episode from Doctor Who (2007)
    • Exorcist (1973)

    I get some of my movie sources and news from here:

  • Violia

    Silence of the Lambs, the Ring, Blair witch project, and oddly, Fatal Attraction, the Shinning.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Funny that someone mentioned Jesus Camp here. I've always said that it's the scariest film ever made since first seeing it a few years ago.

    Truly terrifying.

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