Why is today the only day of the year when I feel guilty about having left the JWs? It's Memorial Day and I didn't go. My last Memorial was in 2006. Last year was my first non-attendance. It felt like such a final "break" from all ties with the JWs, a final severance of all emotional connection with them and their way of life. All my family are JWs - parents, brother, aunts, uncles, cousins, grans. Why is today the only day of the year when I feel so guilty, sitting here at 10pm staring at the full moon outside, reminding me of what day it is? I would welcome your thoughts!
Why is today the only day of the year when I feel guilty?
by And He Ran 34 Replies latest jw experiences
Are you feeling guilty or sad? It is only normal to feel sadness at a loss, even if that loss is a good thing.
You haven't been out for very long. Please remember that it gets better with time.
Why is today the only day of the year when I feel guilty about having left the JWs?
Still more deprogramming to do?
Howl at the moon.
It gets better with time, from my experience. Hang in there!
I've never felt a twinge of guilt since leaving........my wife is just come in from the "denying jesus body fest" with our 3 wee ones.......my sister is here visiting....they are watching stardust as I write......I am just happy I left relatively unscathed compared to others here.......
Octarine Prince
I was very sad and confused when I first missed them.
I knew that it was the final turning point. Some people ONLY go to the Memorial, so if I don't go, then it is a done deal.
I am over it, now. Family, current friends, and ex-friends are all going.
And I am NOT.
Happy Equinox and Ishtar/Eostre/Astarte/Ostera/Eastre/Easter. -
I had that feeling for over 16 years whilst faded and propping up my exwifes spirituality bt allowing her to do everything she chose in it whilst I had zero life! Shows how they go to me and the utter lack of any alternative social network meant she had the information advantage on keeping my guilt complex under the kosh. So I understand where you are coming from! No doubt if I hadn't it in my face all those years I'd have snapped the brainchain sooner. So if you hacve family still in I think it may take you longer than if you have a clean break!
Just my experience!
Now I dont even believe the Bible is gods word - and I dont mean 'think' - I mean I dont even feel it! This stage has taken a complete year - so faster than I thought and actually I never thought it - it just happened with all I've looked into !
Best wishes!
This is my first non-attendance And He Ran. Last year i knew it wasn't the truth but i went just to support my dad. This year i decided to make a clean break. I felt sad all day mostly for my dad sitting on his own and having people talk about his situation, but i know that it's a necessary step if i want to be able to live my life the way i choose.
grrrrrr...freety....get to edinburgh.........or else
grrrrrr...freety....get to edinburgh.........or else
LOL aww thanks ninja, ok i'll try but no promises.