When you have big deciscion to make you pray to God, Jesus, Buddah, whoever and you have the comfort that your doing all you can and you got the big kahunna in your corner also. It's sort of an insurance policy.
In matters of faith their is no proof. .
I dont know if this realization has anything to do with wiring or just conciousness and being awake in your life.
I had faith untill I was about 50. The new millenium has really been the information age for me. Rapid access to information on any topic and the ability to communicate with like minded people.
Back in the 80's and 90's when I would pray for something and not get it, I was amiss and dumfounded, because the bible said you shall receive what ever you ask for. So I would go back and pray harder and more. A lot of things I got out of tenacity. But still other things I wouldnt get or they wouldnt work out the way I prayed. So those occurences would have to be counted as strikes.
Nowadays, you can get a good explanation of prayer and faith from George Carlin and it seems pretty true. When you pray for things the odds are pretty much 50/50 that your prayer will be answered favorably.
If it boils down to a yes or no, then all prayers are answered ,God or no God.
With prayer there are only 3 possibilities that I know of, Yes, no and latter.
So to answer your question ,Christians are content that God is giving them a yes or no or latter answer.
They are at peace because they think they are doing good, they think they are in good standing with the maker of the universe and the giver of life.
With that comes a degree of calm, peace and tranquility.
The above three sentances are the it, you want to put your finger on.
I'm not saying here whether those sentences are true or false but they are the "it" your looking for.