Slices of time

by choosing life 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Think back over all the diffent slices in time you have experienced. Think what it felt like to be a youth, learning to love, raising children, getting older and a little wiser, whatever you've experienced. What if we could be in all slices at once?

    Would we be living inside of time or outside?

  • hambeak

    Don't care anymore

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Hey, it's snowing here. They didn't say anything about that?

  • Carmel

    That two weeks on the beachs of Samoa. good slice carmel

  • outofthebox

    That's deep. I don't know. I guess we are bound to this dimension, so we can't really understand anything else. But, my theory is: "God is out of this universe, so he/she/it is not bound for time."

  • Casper

    Choosing Life,

    That's a very interesting take on things.

    What if we could be in all slices at once? Would we be living inside of time or outside?

    Could you explain a little more about what you mean in the above quote... I'm really trying to understand. Sounds fascinating to me.


  • knock knock
    knock knock

    Could be living on the edge of time rather than in/out.

    And exactly what type of fabric is the fabric of time made of?

  • choosing life
    choosing life


    Sorry, I had to leave after posting yesterday. What I was thinking about is how we are stuck in the present situation and time. Yet we have been in very different situations in our life which were just as real as the present moment. The future will reveal a changed person who is still me.

    Which one of these slices of time is reality? I would say all of them. If we could experience all of them at once, would we transcend time?

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    You cannot ocuppy two spaces at once in you can't meet yourself!.....I would show you what I mean but my Flux capacitor is broken and I need 1.21 Gigga-watts.

  • *summer*

    The past is gone and has brought us to what we are at this present moment in time.

    The future is yet to come, and will be shaped by actions taken in the present moment as well.

    So the only slice of time that is reality is the present moment...the "now"


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