Funny witness007. Wishing you a good slice of time. Let me know when you get it fixed, ok?
Slices of time
by choosing life 17 Replies latest jw friends
The future will reveal a changed person who is still me.
This part I understand totally......... for myself, I look at the different slices of my life as ends another begins. When all is said and done, my life will be as a closed book.
Each chapter changed me.. I am in some "way" a different person after each one.
As for being in each at the same time... I can flip through them in my mind, but not all at once. I really don't think, the concept of time would allow it.
Look forward to hearing more of your thoughts on this.
choosing life
I agree that "now" is the only experience we find ourselves in at present. But where are all the slices of time that we experienced in the past? Do they no longer exist or is it that we just cannot access them?
If there is a creator who exists outside of time, just which slice does he occupy? Would he exist in the present moment only? Could it be that all things exist at once in his perception?
Have to go to work, which is very much in the "now". Will check in later.
I have felt that also... Just where do those memories go... esp. when I enter an older home. I think about the families that lived there before... I can almost hear them in my mind. Are they in some way "Still" there...??? Such as parallel time frames...
Slices that we could walk thru and re-experience our past lives at another precise a different age... would we be aware that we came from a different slice..?? "Aware" that we are traveling from slice to slice ??
If aware, would we maybe be tempted to change things and constantly changing history...?? I can't see that working as a whole.
I still feel it's some sort of mind thing. I can go back to my child hood home and I can "SEE" in my mind, a point in time... of that 7 year old girl running up and down the hill with her dog, etc. For a moment I have entered a different slice of time, so to speak.
As for God... we will never would be an interesting concept. One I'm certainly not able to imagine.
so you can't meet yourself
Witness 007.... if we "Meet" ourselves at a different age, is it still the same person...??
choosing life
I understand what you mean by visiting an older home and feeling the energy of those who lived there. Where does all of that energy go? I like to go through historic homes and imagine the people whose lives played out there.
I mentioned a creator because he wound not be living within time. What would that be like? Does he choose to be in a particular slice of time or do all things exist at once for him?
Thanks for an interesting discussion.
choosing life wrote: "Which one of these slices of time is reality? I would say all of them. If we could experience all of them at once, would we transcend time?"
parakeet -
choosing life
Thanks parakeet, maybe I will check it out.
I like to go through historic homes and imagine the people whose lives played out there.
Me too, Choosing Life...
I love to visit historical places. My family gets frustrated with me, because I don't want to just "walk" thru. I want to stay awhile, contemplate all that went on before, the things that make the place historical to begin with.
I see it in my mind...I "Feel" it on some level... Do you experience that very often, I do...?
My wish is to tour old castles in Ireland. But, I want the whole day to myself... I want to experience what it must have been like in that time frame... To feel it in a way.
As for God being in all parts at once... I just can't wrap my mind around it. From a human standpoint it would be a confused state. Like hundreds of Tvs on different channels at the same time... only way I know how to describe it.
But, if God is God... I suppose he could do anything. I know that is a cop out...
How do we know for a fact.... that our "Present" is the present...??? What if we are just in a particular "Slice"... and we haven't caught up yet...??
I enjoy thinking on this kind of subject also...... just random thinking...