How to Get the US Press to Notice?

by mikepence 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • mikepence

    Any thoughts on how to get the US press to cover the great UN Library Card Scandal?

    Does anyone have a very simple UN Fiasco for Dummies site that we could refer press members to?

    Any thoughts on this? NOW seems to be the time to do it.

    Mike Pence

  • ashitaka

    get them to notice when planes are raining down from the sky like bombs? not likely, pal.

    no offense, but people wouldn't give a damn in this climate.


  • anewperson

    To the contrary interest in the religious fanaticism of the Taliban carries over to the fanaticism of the WTS. Some of us are emailing to religious groups etc. Simply take action.

  • mikepence

    I have emailed Stephen Bates with this very question. Hopefully, he will provide some helpful feedback.

    BTW, I was thinking exactly what ashitaka said as I was writing my message that started this thread. Still, if it is a month or two down the road, it may seem even less newsworthy.

    Mike Pence

  • ashitaka

    Unfortunatly, too many people are taking religious fanaticism racially. They see Arabs, when they think of fanatics....they really don't consider Witnesses a threat, just quirky. Albiet, the JW's are very irritating, and dangerous to people, but not to those outside of their circle. I still think the media would say, "Oh, that's too bad, but we're more concerned about the ARMED fanatics."

    Not trying tobe argumentative, but do you see what I mean?


  • biblexaminer

    How about participating in the act of embarassing the press for their inaction?

    This is the last week to participate, or sit on your ass and complain that everybody else ain't doing something.

    See "THIS POST FOR REAL SOLDIERS" and put your money where your mouth is.

  • MadApostate

    There are a number of valid reasons why the U.S. Press has remained uninterested in the WTS-UN story, not the least of which is that the general public simply doesn't give a damn about Jehovah's Witnesses.

    I'm certain that a significant sampling of the religious and secular press, as well as clergy, have been sent info on this topic, and they have demonstrated little, if any, interest.

    I suggest that another strategy be attempted, which may possibly capture some attention of the general public, and hopefully lead to capturing the attention of the press.

    That is, the time-honored "Letter to the Editor" avenue. While a pulished submission will gain a limited amount of publicity, I see the bigger picture of such a letter having to be read and handled by the editors and staff.

    The author must be willing to identify themself, which obviously limits the number of folks here who could do this.

    Most papers have "size limitations" for such submissions, and only well-written and informative submissions would have a chance o publication.

    If there are folks here willing act as the "identified author" to pursue this, I and others here could help with the composition of such letters.

    Simply post your desire to proceed!

  • 7of9


    the general public simply doesn't give a damn about Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Nor any other religious cult. Your suggestion of "Letters to the Editor," is the only realistic option. Great idea-include the url's to sites such as Mike's and

  • Pathofthorns

    I agree with ashi and 7

    The JWs are a mickey mouse group that no one gives a rat's ass about, especially their insane interpretation of prophecy. So they are hypocrites. Like the public didn't know already?

    News has to sell, and this story is of interest to so few, there is no money in the story.

    Just like I couldn't care less about the HariKrishnas, why should I expect anyone else to care about us?


  • biblexaminer

    Are any of you folks really JWs?

    I AM.

    Letter to the editor? Sure, I'll just offer myself up on the altar for sacrifice.

    What, do you not think that others have considered this? DUH!!

    As far as people being interested, as a dub, I can tell you that they are. For instance, when a small article was printed on the 7th page of our locla newspaper, concerning dubs, we dubs felt the heat. At work, it was the talk of the plant. I had to sneak around till it blew over.

    Guys were raging, SWEARING their heads off. It was all the talk in the shop.

    People are tired of being looked down upon by dubs, who self-righteously march through their neighborhoods every week, reminding all by their (our) prescence in their hood, of everybody else's inferiority.

    When a chance for a 'get-even' comes, they nab it.

    Many times, when I was in close proximity to people who didn't know I was a dub, people talk about us.

    You think we go un-noticed? You are not dubs.

    As far as your 'letter to the editor' goes, you won't do a damn thing! You all sit on your ass and wait for somebody else to do it. You sit there and complain, but you are unwilling to do fart!

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