Are any of you folks really JWs?I AM.
YES, ASSHOLE!!! I am an inactive JW, that has much to lose if identified, and not just the obvious.
Letter to the editor? Sure, I'll just offer myself up on the altar for sacrifice.
ASSHOLE, did you even read my post?
Obviously not!
What, do you not think that others have considered this? DUH!!OF course, STUPID ASS! But the most simple and obvious methods are often discounted and overlooked.
As far as people being interested, as a dub, I can tell you that they are. For instance, when a small article was printed on the 7th page of our locla newspaper, concerning dubs, we dubs felt the heat. At work, it was the talk of the plant. I had to sneak around till it blew over.
Guys were raging, SWEARING their heads off. It was all the talk in the shop.
People are tired of being looked down upon by dubs, who self-righteously march through their neighborhoods every week, reminding all by their (our) prescence in their hood, of everybody else's inferiority.
When a chance for a 'get-even' comes, they nab it.
Many times, when I was in close proximity to people who didn't know I was a dub, people talk about us.
You think we go un-noticed? You are not dubs.
I can't speak for what goes on in your grimmy neck of the neighborhood, but FOR DECADES I have live in many different parts of the US, worked and associated with nonJWs who didn't know my own jw connection, and NOT ONCE have I ever directly heard or overheard so much as a brief mention of JWs.
As far as your 'letter to the editor' goes, you won't do a damn thing! You all sit on your ass and wait for somebody else to do it. You sit there and complain, but you are unwilling to do fart!
SUCK MY ASS!!! I've already done more than you will ever do with your LOOKS-LIKE-MY-KID-WROTE-IT letter.
When your mailings well pass the 5 figures mark, let me know!!!
Do you really think that all those phone calls and letters from GENUINE JWs to WTS Branches all over the world came from reading this db or xjw websites?