Natural disasters in past and future paradise.

by Awakened07 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    I can think of a few bad things that could and will happen to Planet Earth. What happens if we get hit by a Mars sized planet? This time, it might be a direct hit and not a side hit. And we will all die. The sun could get hit by a huge star. We could get pulled into a black hole. Not this year, not in 2011, but if we have forever, it will eventually happen.

    And, they forgot to mention what is predicted about 4 or 5 billion years from now. Our sun has a finite life span, which they tell us not to listen to science programs about it (to protect the illusion that the earth is a measly 50,000 years old or less). Once the sun's time is up, it will expand. It will reach the orbit of Jupiter (at least some predictions see it reaching as far as Saturn). Even if it falls short of Earth's orbit, it will become extremely hot. Then the sun will die, blowing up and then going dark. All that will be left is a white dwarf, which will not heat the earth. Either way, life on earth is doomed.

    I guess this is another reason they want people to spend all their time in field circus. They cannot be thinking of this reality while they are constantly worrying about getting all those wastes of paper to every door in three weeks, followed by another campaign. And forget about college, the Internet, or doing well in school.

  • MissingLink

    New Light!

    There will still be earthquakes, but if you happen to fall over, then fluffy bunnies will quickly assemble at your feet to give you a soft landing.

    If there is a flood, then the rainbows will materialize so that you have a bridge to higher ground.

    And flocks of flying unicorns will sweep away any who are in risk of a volcano.


  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic


    I thought that I would try to put forward in a little more detail what the points were that I was trying to make. I was going to try to put them all in one post, but I am reading more than writing and so I will just post parts as I go if that is OK. This is additional to the thoughts that I had on the idea of "tectonic plates". I have not read this anywhere or ever heard of it before, but it was just that I was looking into the location of the fault lines years ago and this is what I saw. See what you think.

    The point that I am making about the tectonic plates is shown in the picture to the link above. When you look at the majority of the length of the fault lines, you will see that they are mostly in the oceans. The interesting thing about the picture is that most of the faults run in the mid point of the oceans, particularly shown well in the mid Atlantic from north to south, and also where the antartica Plate hits into the Pacific Plate, where the theory that I am putting forward would suggest the biggest pressure to the crust beneath would be.

    I am sure that a topographer would laugh me off of the forum for suggesting such a theory, but as the theory of "Plate tectonics" is still very much in debate, I might just get away with it.

    More to come……

    P.S. Just to add, at this point I am not trying to fit what I am saying into the biblical 6000 years. I’m just trying to see if the "Perfect Earth" is attainable. But I will come to fitting it all into the 6000 years in a future post…. (Ha....No chance)

  • Awakened07
    Just to add, at this point I am not trying to fit what I am saying into the biblical 6000 years. I’m just trying to see if the "Perfect Earth" is attainable.

    Wasn't the starting point here to try and fit this into a biblical frame though? If not we are going severely off topic here.

    -But as I alluded to in the previous post, I don't see the point of seeing if this idea is attainable, because even if earth was structurally perfect at one point in time because the ocean waters were out in space as your hypothesis says, this must have been long before mankind came on the scene, and must also have ended (the water must have come down) long before mankind came on the scene.

    We know this because of radiometric dating methods, but also because we can use GPS measurements to see exactly at what rate the continents drift apart. And if they have drifted apart at a steady rate, that in itself shows their separation must have taken very very long (to say the least). If the continents haven't drifted apart at a steady rate, but we are to suppose that they were 'collected' ~4000 years ago to allow for a structurally perfect crust back then (before the flood), they must have had an incredible speed at first and later slowed down to a screeching halt (I haven't done the math, but that kind of speed couldn't be good for the life on those continents).

    Another thing is that if the waters that now form the oceans of the planet were suspended in space back then, was it God's plan then to never let that water fall on earth if mankind had remained loyal? Would we then never have had mountain ranges and oceans like we do now? Would we never have seen the sun or the stars?

    Another thing (#2), is that I believe such a mass of solid water out there (actually it would have to be ice because of the temperature in space) surrounding earth would be mechanically unstable and either disintegrate or crash into us.

    Another thing (#3) is that the way earth is formed, it has a molten, very hot interior, with various 'layers' throughout, and these rotate and grind on each other as the earth rotates. I can't be sure, but I suspect that even without the current fault lines and plates and oceanic pressure, there would be breakage of the stiff crust caused by this movement and its resulting 'ripples' over the surface. So some kind of lava/magma flow to the surface would probably still have occurred, and some breakage leading to quakes as well, although perhaps not as much as today. But as far as I know, plate tectonics do not rely on the pressure of the oceans to account for the movement of the plates. So I'm not so sure it would even make a difference if the waters were not present.

    I am curious though; does God play a role in your 'hypothesis' at all, or are you trying to find natural causes for what later became myths?

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    This is really a scientific statement, or hypothesis if you will, and has to be backed up with data. Have there been huge planetary collisions? It certainly seems that way, but within the last 4000 years or so? I'm not sure I even have to say anything more than that. But in case I do; you'd think such collisions would have also made a huge impact on other civilizations, and while many have flood stories, you'd have to find stories and astrological or astronomical findings in manuscripts coinciding with it, and the sun standing still etc. too (same time period etc.). And evidence in geology, etc.

    So then, on these points. The writer I referred to, Velikovsky, in his books claims to have the evidences that you suspect are lacking. His claim is very dramatic, but I would say from the little that I have looked into his books that his work is quite thorough (although I see in many cases mistaken). He claims that there are indeed records around the world from other civilizations of these events happening, i.e. an extra long night (as in the biblical story of the day standing still) reported in Mexico (if I remember rightly), and has other "evidence" of even the length of the days changing as a result of these near collisions. He also claims that there is evidence in geology as well, but it is a while ago that I had a quick peek into his work so I won’t say anymore than I have….

    As for the flood, he brings out the point that the bible talks about water coming out from the "watery deep" (Genesis 7:11) and claims this could have been due to the planetary collision and the effect of gravity from such a body.

    As I say, don’t quote me on this as it was a while ago that I looked into it and I didn’t give it much time or research either, but it did stick in my mind. But as I said, it would be a way of explaining away the amount of debris that is in space if these near collisions did at all happen.

    I think that Velikovsky and his theories were widely written about, but he was fiercely opposed at the time and very much discredited, as I do believe he is even now…

    One thing that I will say for him, and something that I personally hold against modern Science, is his challenge to "gradualism". As far as I have seen, the reason why "gradualism" came to be so popular was to break away from the church as much as it could. But I think that "gradualism" may have to check itself somewhat in the future. Just my personal opinion….

    Here is a link that you might find interesting. Apologies in advance for the music…..

  • freeme

    "you dont have faith!"

    forget reasoning. god made it this way so its the best way. we are humans - were too dumb to understand. just believe.

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