The California rulings on clergy-client privilege have revealed the problems with
WT procedure. They report to Headquarters. They don't have a free confession
from their members in a judicial committee, but have an investigation in order to
deal out punishment. They don't keep confidentiality on their part, so cannot
ask for it in the courtroom. Feel free to point out other problems I didn't mention.
So what is WTS going to do? What changes will the lawyers make?
I suggested that they will stop calling a committee of 2 by the name, "Investigative Committee."
I suggested that they will insist that elders follow standard procedures that are known
instead of calling Headquarters for instruction- insisting that they never pass on names or
details. I say that they will look for ways around court rulings instead of appreciating that
the courts are protecting victims because WTS has let them down.
What do you say about WTS changes because of the precident-setting cases?