well I finally told someone....

by still_in74 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • still_in74

    I envy this....as I have never been in a situation where I could, other than here on JWD. I think it would be great to have that one on one conversation.

    Good for you Still, I am glad you were able to speak your mind.

    it was nice but I am only scratching the tip of the tip of the iceburg. I must say I could never imagine one envying my situation. But just know that all of us are in this together on this board. I have been here for over a year and I have just now voclalized my thoughts to anyone, even confessing that I read C of C.

    Now if only I could go into this much detail with my wife..... (sigh) - one victory at a time I guess!


  • dawg

    Good luck 74....

  • atpeace

    wow - what a big step. congrats!

    AudeSapere - please, share your experiance with talking to your dad. how did you start? where you afraid of what the outcome would be? my jw father has always been a rational and calm person, and i've been feeling the need to say something. its obvious i have doubts, but i avoid the conversation. i'm afraid of making it worse, or hurting him by telling how i feel, but i'm so tired of the avoidance.

  • sspo

    I did the same with my ex-wife and eventually she divorced but it was worth it.

    I told her i could not go thru the motions for another 30years if you realize it's nothing but a lie.

    Lost quite a bit,family, friends and materially but i do have a clean conscience in not supporting

    a blood -guilty organization.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    I wish you all the best in your journey still_in74.

    There will be bumps, but at least there's this place to come to.

    Just curious, are you building up any non-JW relationships/interests?


  • jamiebowers

    The more I read about faders and those who are still in due to coercion, the more I realize that being disfellowshipped was the best thing that could've happened to me. It stil burns my ass that I was disfellowshipped before I even filed for divorce, because I'm sure everyone is positive that I committed adultery, (which I DID NOT). But still, at least the band aid was ripped off all at once and not slowly like it is for some of you. I don't know that much about fading, but I do know what it's like to keep a heart wrenching secret and how it feels to be disfellowshipped. With the exception of the elders, I kept it secret that my husband was physically abusing me and threatening to kill me and himself. When I told the elders I wanted to disassociate myself instead of being married to this nutcase or to hang around long enough to prove adultery on his part, I was literally running for my life. Since the elders couldn't be bothered with my life threatening situation, they disfellowshipped me instead.

    Like a battered woman, a person who has lost faith in the WTB&TS must make a plan of escape. Check with an attorney about divorce and custody issues. Save money to cover costs of seperating from a spouse and/or possible lack of revenue if doing business with the jws. Make wordly friends and find a therapist who is qualified to help you with the losses. When leaving, there are usually great emotional and monetary costs. But IT IS WORTH IT! Do you know that song, "Me and Bobby McGee" where it says, "Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose"? It really makes sense after you're out for awhile, because you realize that anything you had while enslaved wasn't worth keeping in the first place...you have nothing left to lose.

    When I was disfellowshipped, I lost my home, most of my material possessions, my mother, brother and all of my close friends. My wordly father had to buy me a car. I still believed it was the truth and was convinced that God wouldn't hear my prayers and that I would be destroyed at Armageddon, which of course, was just around the corner. But I was being tortured physically and mentally by my jw husband, and I thought everlasting death couldn't be any worse. If you are on this site, you at least know that the WTB&TS does not have the truth and that you do have a future. Anyone who leaves you, whether it is a spouse, a parent or a child when you leave the organization, doesn't really love you, or at least doesn't love you as much as they do the organization. I've been out 20 years, and it wasn't easy a lot of the time. But I have gained so many things like true friends, a wonderful husband who treats me like a queen, a college degree, respect in my community, great relationships with my worldly and disfellowshipped relatives, the ability to work just about any job I want, involvement in the political process, love for myself, freedom of thought and expression, a relationship with God as my father and Jesus as my savior...I could go on and on but I don't think this board has enough room.

    As you start to build a life outside of the WTB&TS, you will feel better and be ready to face life as it really is. Good luck and God bless. I say a prayer for the Silent Lambs every night, and now I think I'll include the faders and the coerced.

  • Carmel

    Good for you for finally popping the pimple. Lancing the boil and voiding the mental pus is a relief to the body and soul! Two thumbs up to you 74!!! carmel "out in 58"

  • TweetieBird

    It is a good feeling. I told one of my good friends that I grew up with (she's been df'd for years) about my feelings and a couple of years ago I told another one of my friends. It turns out that they both had the same feelings that I did. The second friend also has told a mutual friend who also feels the same.

  • llbh

    It is a good feeling.

    Leaving the wts and having your mate remain in is going to be difficult i think, i wish you well in this

    It is liberating to think and talk freely again



  • R.Crusoe

    Doth a rose set its bloom in your lifes living?

    Can you taste the sweet scent from its dripping

    Of dewdrops the morning fermented

    In your hearts deepest reaches

    At last that relented?

    Welcome to your life!

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