Instead of disfellowshipping for appostacy why don't the Witlesses just tell the so called apostates, it's ok ,just don't disrupt the meetings.If they did this would there be less hassle all round. Other organisations have different allied sections but the Whacktower Org. isn't strong enough to embrace dissent , it stands on very shaky ground as regard doctrine and practice.In fact they don't know the first thing about good practice They need a suggestion box in the Kingdumb Hall for a start and a few lessons in democracy wouldn't go amiss.All dictatorships are afraid of the voice of the people.
The Watchtower trembles before appostates.
by edmond dantes 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Be for real. Your suggestion might spell the end of Jehovah's Witnesses.
No disfellowshipping, no shunning. That would allow so many to just walk away.
With such falling numbers, the remainder would be questioning things and would
hate the burden upon them to cover all the territory and all the meeting parts.Even the faithful would become inactive rather than do ALL the work.
They need a suggestion box in the Kingdumb Hall
A mind-control cult with a suggestion box? ROFLMAO. Good one.
"We will tell you what to think, there is no need of this suggestion box of which you speak." -
edmond dantes
Hi On The Way Out,
Yes your right but I still think they should should have a notice pinned up in the hall like they do at that other great commercial enterprise Wallmart ( Asda in the UK) Which says "Tell us what you think we value your comments."
The W.Tower operates a product recall every few years as well, all followers take back all the old broken beliefs in exchange for new ones.It seems to create customer satisfaction with quite a few.
OTWO- sounds like the WT version of the Jedi mind trick? lol! -Potential
OTWO- sounds like the WT version of the Jedi mind trick? lol! -Potential
There is no Jedi mind trick here.
These are not the droids you are looking for.
Let these folks be on their way.I was thinking more along these lines:
SUGGESTIONS! We don't take any suggestions! We don't have to hear any stinking suggestions! -
The watchtower has left itself very little wriggle room. Once you shoot down one doctrine or policy the rest soon fall like dominos. That's why they need to deal with any dissent quickly and with an iron fist. If they didn't they would have been gone long ago.
edmond dantes
Is this the Nazis party you speak of ,? I ask myself .What is this, no freedom of expression ? I thought the Witlesses received praise in Knocking for their work on freedom of speech.I see, so we can speak our mind but not in the Fuhrer's bunker I mean the Kingdom Halle,In that case it's six rasberrys' right in the Fuhrer's face.
When my husband was accounts servant, he found anonymous notes in the contribution box and they were also found in the box for timeslips.
The elders were hot to figure out who these people were.
It has been said before by heads at Brooklyn that the orders come from the top down, not the bottom up. Suggestions are best kept to yourself.
It has been said before by heads at Brooklyn that the orders come from the top down, not the bottom up. Suggestions are best kept to yourself.
$hyte rolls downhill.