The Watchtower trembles before appostates.

by edmond dantes 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    In reply to Blondies comments about the anonymous notes,this illustrates the need for a seperate box in which the brothers and sisters can fully vent their thoughts.The author of the questions or comments could be kept secret if requested and handled just like a question from a Whacktower reader and dealt with on a congregational basis.The subject matter could be discussed in open forum in the KH this would make the meetings a lot more interesting than just studying the W.Tower.

    It never ceases to amaze me that people are so willing to give up basic human rights which have been so bloodily fought for through the ages.How can the New World Soc. boast about free speech when they don't even let their members have it.One of the first bells of alarm that I heard after I became a Witless was when a brother said to me, after I brought up an awkward subject, " It's not just the subject but why are you even questioning the society?" He then went on to explain to me that it reflected my "heart"condition. Now that comment speaks volumes about how a great number of people can be made to believe that an ordinary group of mortals can never be brought to account and given unquestioning obedience.To my mind that is so dangerous.

  • dinah

    They love to use that "heart condition" ploy. What is the condition of the hearts that blindly follow and hurt others.

  • WTWizard

    There will never be such a suggestion box at the Kingdumb Hells. Any organization bent on starting a Dark Ages so it can exploit people will not give a fxxx what people think, and they will tell people that they have the absolute truth and that they are to believe whatever crap they say or else.

    If anything, I expect them to sue every apostate Web site and writer of apostate literature (and even writers of anything that rebuts the Bible itself) out of business. And, I am expecting the day to come when they start suing members that have left for "breach of contract"--using that they agreed to do all they could, even at the expense of their health, to spread the cancer, no matter what.

  • SPAZnik
    Instead of disfellowshipping for appostacy why don't the Witlesses just tell the so called apostates, it's ok ,just don't disrupt the meetings.

    Fear and pride.

    Fear of organizational death is why the JWs choose to make the shunning thing and integral part of their modus operandi. If they can't control people based on doctrine, they will do all they can to control via emotional/psychological blackmail. This, in my opinion, contradicts their beliefs. It’s like: So " gawd " gave me free will. Who are you again?

    They must forbid their current members from speaking with former members or the fragile cultlike egoic need to be gawd's chosen people above all others would be at risk. Their current members would be exposed to too many truths about the JW dogma and the tangled web they've spent a hundred years weaving would be exposed. Their belief system and patriarchal hierarchy of power would not hold up to this exposure. If they lifted prohibition, and family members were permitted to be family members to one another, developing healthy loving relationships, the gang/cult/organization would lose control. It would be embarrassing for them. Pride.

    Disfellowshipping/shunning for seeing "spiritual" things differently is ridiculous. Not unlike kicking a 12 year old out of the family for fear they will tell the 8 year old that Santa really doesn't exist.

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    Yea, I remember one time when I was in the troof a catholic guy gave me a catholic book to read and I told him that we are advised not to read that.His reply was "well your faith must be very weak if you are afraid to read that,I would read a Watchtower book and not be afraid of losing my faith." Then I thought he has a very good point; and at that stage of my exit it proved to be another nail in the Whacktower coffin .

  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    this illustrates the need for a seperate box in which the brothers and sisters can fully vent their thoughts.

    Mao tse Toung did that trick back around 1958, he called that the hundred flowers episode. All opposers were encouraged to express themselves freely. Soon aftewars they were cracked down upon and a terrible repression ensued.

  • Roddy
    Yea, I remember one time when I was in the troof a catholic guy gave me a catholic book to read and I told him that we are advised not to read that.His reply was "well your faith must be very weak if you are afraid to read that,I would read a Watchtower book and not be afraid of losing my faith." Then I thought he has a very good point; and at that stage of my exit it proved to be another nail in the Whacktower coffin .

    That is a splended point! With all the printing they do, the WTS is so afraid that their membership will actually read something else - and start to thinking.

  • Roddy
    Instead of disfellowshipping for appostacy why don't the Witlesses just tell the so called apostates, it's ok ,just don't disrupt the meetings.If they did this would there be less hassle all round. Other organisations have different allied sections but the Whacktower Org. isn't strong enough to embrace dissent , it stands on very shaky ground as regard doctrine and practice.In fact they don't know the first thing about good practice They need a suggestion box in the Kingdumb Hall for a start and a few lessons in democracy wouldn't go amiss.All dictatorships are afraid of the voice of the people.

    That's a given that the WTS doesn't tolerate discussion of anything that is even mildly critical of anything it does. The WTS insists it has immunity of anything which it's own rank and file would be disfellowshipped of. It can change its doctrines at will - implying that it was teaching apostacy - but the regular JW can't. He or she has to be in lock-step with the WTS at all times. To answer your question: I doubt it. By placing the person in a disfellowshipped state the person has been marginalized from within the congregation. Although most in the congregation won't know what the person was disfellowshipped for, it is enough. The local mind control police of the WTS - the elders - will have made sure that no one will be exposed to apostacy.

  • Flash

    Today the WTS labels ALL dissent apostacy.

    Bad leadership breeds rebellion. They're reaping what they are sowning.

    1 Kings 12

    1 Rehoboam went to Shechem, for all Israel had come to Shechem to make him king.

    2 And when Jeroboam the son of Nebat heard of it (for he was still in Egypt, whither he had fled from King Solomon), then Jeroboam returned from Egypt.

    3 And they sent and called him; and Jeroboam and all the assembly of Israel came and said to Rehoboam,

    4 "Your father made our yoke heavy. Now therefore lighten the hard service of your father and his heavy yoke upon us, and we will serve you."

    6 Then King Rehoboam took counsel with the old men, who had stood before Solomon his father while he was yet alive, saying, "How do you advise me to answer this people?"

    7 And they said to him, "If you will be a servant to this people today and serve them, and speak good words to them when you answer them, then they will be your servants for ever."

    14 he spoke to them according to the counsel of theyoung men, saying, "My father made your yoke heavy, but I will add to your yoke; my father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions. "

    16 And when all Israel saw that the king did not hearken to them, the people answered the king,

    "What portion have we in David? We have no inheritance in the son of Jesse. To your tents, O Israel! Look now to your own house, David."

    So Israel departed to their tents.

  • R.Crusoe

    It is absolutely true that JWs think it fine to invite others to read their literature but then have a whole other take on the reverse occuring even to the point of shunning!

    Why would they do that unless they were unsure of their own literature?

    And billions of humans dont convert to JW just through reading JW literature so why doe sthe WT fear all JWs may be in danger by reading what interests them - after all thats how many became JW in the first place - listening to that inner questioning they are suddenly commanded to switch off!!

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